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Minutes of Public Meeting August 4, 2009
Minutes of Public Meeting August 4, 2009
Aug 11, 2009 --
August 4, 2009
MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles Walker, Vera Davison, C. C. Cox, Steve Lemmons, Steve Ramsey, Jim Bonsall, Jerri Lee, Steve Duggan, Jimmy Thomas, Bruce Blanton , and Daniel Thomas.
Mr. Charles Walker called the Regular Meeting of the Webster Parish Police Jury to order and asked John Stanley to open the meeting with prayer and asked Sgt. Matthew T. Little to lead in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Walker then began with the first order of business, Additions to the agenda.
Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mr. Jim Bonsall to add to the agenda, # 11- Mr. John Stanley
Mrs. Jerri Lee moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Duggan to approve the minutes of the June 7, 2009 Road Committee meeting, and the June 7, 2009 Regular meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mrs. Vera Davison to approve invoices for payment pending review of the committee. Motion carried unanimously.
The next item of business was the presentation of a Resolution in Honor and in Appreciation to Mr. R. O. Machen. Mr. Machen was instrumental in the inception and the development of the Pine Country Education Center at Camp Minden as well as a lifelong volunteer and businessman. Mr. Ellzey Simmons, Director and Mr. William Altimus, Chairman of the Trailblazer Organization also were present to present Mr. Machen with a plaque of appreciation. Others in attendance for the presentation were: Mrs. Jean Doerge, Representative District 10; and Mr. Bryan Butler P.E.
Margie Williamson with the CPA firm of Allen, Greene, and Williamson presented the report of the 2008 Financial Audit for the Webster Parish Police Jury and its component units, the Webster Parish E-911 Office and the Webster Parish Police Jury Office of Community Services. An unqualified opinion for all three agencies was reported.
Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mr. Jimmy Thomas to call for a Public Hearing to hear comments concerning the adoption of Webster Parish Ordinance # 989, to prohibit the use of “Jake Brakes” on LA 79 east of Minden just past the “Speed Zone Ahead” sign for 2300 feet. Motion carried.
Yes: 10 No: 1 (Daniel Thomas).
Njeri Camara, with the Alliance for Education gave an update of the proposed NWLA Human Services District. Mr. Russell Seman with the LA Office of Mental Health was also present to answer questions. A meeting will be organized with Mrs. Doerge’s office and the Police Jury to get a more in depth view of the project.
Mr. Jim Bonsall moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to appoint IBTS as the parish’s main Building Inspector for 2009. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Duggan to approve the resignation of Mr. Charles Wooley, commissioner. Motion carried unanimously.
A Resolution of Support for the Regional Training Institute was presented by COL Carl Thompson with Camp Minden. Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve the Resolution as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Vera Davison moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to pay supplemental funding in the amount of $1,000.00 for the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness to assist in the salary of a part time employee. The employee works part time for the Webster Parish Sheriff’s Office, but is the grant coordinator for the Homeland Security grants. The $1,000.00 is totally reimbursed through the grant, and will only be paid until the grants are completed. Motion carried unanimously.
Page 083-2009
Regular Meeting – Continued-
*Angie Jackson, Library
*Susan Baird, WP Humane Association
*Joan Almond, LSU Ag Center Director
*COL Carl Thompson, National Guard
*Sgt. Matthew Little, National Guard, Career Counselor
*John Stanley, Webster Parish Homeland Security/OEP
*Becky Wilson, Congressman John Fleming office
*LA Representative, Mrs. Jean Doerge
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Daniel Thomas to approve the action taken at the Road Committee meeting held earlier today. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
Ronda C. Carnahan Charles Walker
Secretary-Treasurer President
SECTION 1. BE IT ORDAINED by the Webster Parish Police Jury in regular and legal session convened on this the day of , 2009, that the use of a motor vehicle powered braking device commonly known as “jake brake” on LA Hwy 79 East of the Minden City Limits just past the “Speed Zone Ahead” Sign for 2300 feet east is hereby prohibited.
SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to emergency vehicles or equipment.
SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, etc., that any person found guilty of violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $500.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment within the discretion of the court.
The ordinance was offered by , seconded by . Upon unanimous vote, it was duly adopted on this .
Ronda C. Carnahan Charles R. Walker
Secretary-Treasurer President
ADOPTED: 08/04/2009
RESOLUTION # 009-2009
WHEREAS, the Louisiana Army Ammunition Plant, formerly known as the Louisiana Ordnance Plant, produced munitions to support the war efforts of the United States of America during World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War and, in so doing, provided employment for thousands of workers in northwest Louisiana, south Arkansas and east Texas, and
WHEREAS, from 1941 until 1996, the Louisiana Army Ammunition Plant served as a major stimulus to the economy of northwest Louisiana, south Arkansas and east Texas, and
WHEREAS, the Louisiana Army Ammunition Plant was placed in an inactive status in 1996 and, in 2005, transferred from the United States Government to the State of Louisiana, and
WHEREAS, following the transfer of the Louisiana Army Ammunition Plant became known as the Camp Minden Training Site and the Governor, State of Louisiana charged the Louisiana National Guard with operational control of the installation, and
WHEREAS, since the transfer, the Louisiana National Guard has attracted and/or retained 20 businesses and organizations, which, when combined with Louisiana National Guard personnel, account for a total of 650 employees; and
WHEREAS, the Camp Minden military component accounts for a regional direct economic impact of more than $27 million annually in payroll and vendor sales; and
WHEREAS, the activities of the Louisiana National Guard have been responsible for generating an additional investment of $14 million for sustainment, restoration, and modernization during the period of FY05 through FY09; and
WHEREAS, during the next three to eight years, construction and continued planning is underway for a Regional Training Institute, Armed Forces Readiness Center, Dining Facilities, Barracks, Military Training Ranges, Unit Training Facilities, and Training Site Support Structures on Camp Minden with a projected cost $145 million, and
WHEREAS, the Regional Training Institute will provide training for more than 8,000 military students annually, and
WHEREAS, in Fiscal Year 2009, the Federal Government appropriated $23.8 million to fund Phase 1 construction of the Regional Training Institute.
WHEREAS, the estimated annual budget for the Regional Training Institute includes $12 million for purchase of goods and services, $5 million operating cost and $8 million payroll, thus infusing a total of $25 million stimulus into the regional economy, and
WHEREAS, during the 2007 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, $2.6 million was appropriated for Camp Minden infrastructure rehabilitation, planning, design and construction, and
WHEREAS, during the 2007 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, $449,000 was appropriated for fire trucks and fire equipment for the Camp Minden Fire Department, and,
WHEREAS, in 2008 Governor Bobby Jindal approved the use of $4 million from the State Mega Fund to construct a Consolidated Dining Facility on Camp Minden, and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that _______THE WEBSTER PARISH POLICE JURY ___ does hereby commend the Louisiana National Guard for contributing to the economic well-being of this region and its citizens, and does hereby recognize and record for posterity that the Louisiana National Guard is the most significant economic development activity located at Camp Minden.
BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED that _________ THE WEBSTER PARISH POLICE JURY ____ pledges support to the Louisiana National Guard economic efforts on Camp Minden and encourages the Louisiana National Guard, The Honorable Governor Bobby Jindal, The Honorable Senator Mary Landrieu, The Honorable Senator David Vitter and The Honorable Congressman John Fleming to obtain all required funding to complete the construction ofthe Regional Training Institute and Armed Forces Readiness Center on Camp Minden in a timely manner.
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be transmitted to The Adjutant General, State of Louisiana; The Honorable Governor Bobby Jindal, The Honorable Senator Mary Landrieu, The Honorable Senator David Vitter, The Honorable Congressman John Fleming, The Honorable Congressman Steve Scalise, The Honorable Congressman Joseph Cao, The Honorable Congressman Charlie Melancon, The Honorable Congressman Rodney Alexander, The Honorable Congressman William Cassidy, and the Honorable Congressman Charles Boustany Jr.
THUS ADOPTED THIS 4th day of August, 2009 on motion of Mr. Steve Ramsey
duly seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons this Resolution is hereby Adopted.
Yea: 11 Abstain 0
Nay: 0 Absent 1
Charles R. Walker
Ronda C. Carnahan
Webster Parish Police Jury - Webster Parish Courthouse Annex
401 Main St., West Entrance - P.O. Box 389 - Minden, LA 71058 - (318) 377-7564 Office - (318) 371-2366 Fax
