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Minutes of The Road Committee and Regular Meeting October 4, 2011
Minutes of The Road Committee and Regular Meeting October 4, 2011
Oct 6, 2011 --
Page 039-2011
October 4, 2011
MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Ramsey, Chairman; Steve Lemmons, Vice-Chairman; Steve Duggan; Jerri Lee; Vera Davison; C. C. Cox; Bruce Blanton; Jim Bonsall; Charles Odom; Jimmy Thomas; and Charles Walker
MEMBER ABSENT: Daniel Thomas
Mr. Steve Ramsey called the Road Committee Meeting to order, and Steve Lemmons opened the meeting with prayer. Mr. Ramsey then asked for additions to the agenda.
Mr. Charles Walker moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Duggan to approve the following additions to the agenda: 8. Goodwill Road; 9. John Stanley; 10. Speed limit on Pointe Road; 11. Gas Plant Road; 12. Personnel Hiring; 13. Elton Wise Road and Mimosa Lane speed limit; and Recycling Day. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Charles Walker moved, seconded by Mr. Jim Bonsall to extend the contract for mowing through 2012 for Wilson Landscaping LLC. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Charles Walker moved, seconded by Mr. C. C. Cox to ratify the action taken on a Resolution from the Town of Doyline to make emergency repairs to South Morgan Street. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. C. C. Cox moved, seconded by Mr. Jim Bonsall to approve a Resolution from the Town of Sibley to asphalt the road in front of and on the side of Sibley Town Hall using municipality funding. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Charles Odom moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve a Resolution from Lakeside School requesting repairs to the parking lot at the Lakeside School with the School Board paying all expense (labor, machinery, fuel). Motion carried unanimously.
A Resolution was presented from the Town of Sarepta requesting side cutter to be used along the sewer line on Palmer Street and Church Street, going to the pond; at the intersection of Mathews and North Mathews; lift station on Cave Street and Worsham Street. Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Duggan to approve the Resolution with the exception of the lift station on Cave Street and Worsham Street due to the conditions at the lift station. Motion carried unanimously.
Advertise for bid was postponed until more information is available about the electronic bid system. A meeting will be set up with Patrick Jackson and the purchasing agent for Bossier Parish with Ronda and Teddy to go over the purchasing needs of the parish.
The Crownover Road currently is recorded at 718ft. length; employees of the Road Department have certified that the road was maintained up to 1,198 feet in length in the past. Therefore an affidavit to this effect will be filed in the WP Clerk of Court Office certifying that the Crownover Road correct length is 1198 feet in length and width of 12 feet. Mr. C. C. Cox moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to approve the correction to the dimensions of the right of way. Motion carried unanimously.
There was discussion concerning safety issues at the intersection of LA 528 and Goodwill Road. A Resolution addressing the intersection will be presented at the Regular meeting at 10:30.
John Stanley, Homeland Security Director asked that the Jury to consider a budget request for a new vehicle in 2012 funding.
Mr. Walker moved, seconded by Jimmy Thomas to set the speed limit on the Point Road to 15 MPH from the Yates Road intersection to the dead end, and 25 MPH from the Dement Road to the Yates Road. Motion carried unanimously.
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Road Committee--
Mr. Charles Walker moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to advertise for a Public Hearing at the November 1, 2011 Regular Meeting to receive comments concerning the closure of the Gas Plant Road at the Bossier Parish Line and to install a gate at the closure site. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Charles Walker moved, seconded by Ms. Vera Davison to implement a hiring freeze until the first of the year unless there is an emergency. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Duggan moved, seconded by Mr. C. C. Cox to set the speed limit on the Elton Wise Road (WP# 216A) to 35 MPH from end to end. To set the speed limit on Mimosa Lane (WP# 213) to 40 MPH. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Charles Odom, Environmental Committee Chairman told the Jury that the 1stAnnual Parish Wide HHW Collection Day will be held on October 29, 2011 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Webster Parish Fair Grounds.
Mr. Walker reminded the Jurors of the Webster Parish Fair this week and that the Webster Parish 4-H Livestock auction will be held on Friday.
The Webster Parish Employee Appreciation will be the first Friday in November, November 4, 2011.
There being no further business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.
Ronda C. Carnahan Steve Ramsey
Secretary-Treasurer Chairman
October 6, 2011
MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles Walker, President; Vera Davision, Vice President; Jim Bonsall; Steve Ramsey; Charles Odom; Bruce Blanton; Jerri Lee; C. C. Cox; Steve Lemmons; Jimmy Thomas; and Steve Duggan
MEMBER ABSENT: Daniel Thomas
PUBLIC HEARING: To sit as a Board of Review for the 2011 assessment of real and personal property of the Parish of Webster, State of Louisiana.
There was no protest filed. There were no comments.
Mr. Morris Guin, with the Webster Parish Assessor’s Office spoke to the Jury concerning current millage. He stated that the Parish mill ages were approved.
Mr. Charles Walker, President, called the meeting to order, and asked Gene Reynolds to open the meeting with prayer, and Mrs. Patti Odom to lead in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Walker then asked for additions to the agenda.
Ms. Vera Davison moved, seconded by Mr. Jimmy Thomas to approve the minutes of the September 6, 2011 Administrative Committee Meeting, Road Committee Meeting, and Regular Meeting of the Webster Parish Police Jury. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. C. C. Cox moved, seconded by Mr. Charles Odom to approve invoices for payment pending review of the committee. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Jerri Lee moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Ramsey to approve the adoption of Webster Parish Ordinance # 856-Amended for Off- System Bridges in Webster Parish for 2011, to adopt the Annual Certification of Compliance for Off-System Bridges, and to adopt a Resolution authorizing the President to sign documents relative to Off-System Bridges for 2011. Motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. C. C. Cox moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve a Resolution authorizing Fran Harvey, Executive Director, to sign documents for the Webster Parish Police Jury Office of Community Services. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Jim Bonsall to approve a letter of Support for the Village of Heflin in their application for a grant to renovate the Heflin Gym to be used as an evacuation-multipurpose center for other indoor functions. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. C. C. Cox moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Duggan to approve a Resolution requesting assistance from the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development to monitor the intersection of LA 528 and the Goodwill Road and to make improvements as needed to ensure the safety of the Citizens that travel LA 528 and Goodwill Road. Motion carried unanimously.
Fran Harvey Webster Parish Office of Community Services
Wanda Finley Webster Parish Head Start
Beverly Hammett Webster Parish Library
Susan Baird Webster Parish Humane Association
Patti Powell Webster Parish Humane Association
COL Carl Thompson Camp Minden –LA Military
John Stanley Homeland Security/OEP
Patti Odom City of Minden – Economic Development Director/Minden Main Street
Morris Guin Webster Parish Assessor
Gene Reynolds Candidate for Louisiana House of Representatives District 10
Olivia Ward Trailblazer
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve the action of the Road Committee Meeting held earlier today. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Ramsey also stated that Olivia Ward with the Trailblazer Organization is working on educational programs related to water quality issues.
Mr. Charles Odom told the audience that the 1stAnnual Parish Wide HHW Collection Day will be held October 29, 2011 from 9:00 A.M. To 1:00 P.M. at the Webster Parish Fair Grounds.
Ms. Vera Davison reported that the annual Employee’s Appreciation Day will be Friday, November 4, 2011.
Mr. Bruce Blanton urged everyone to get out and vote on October 22, 2011 or to absentee vote this coming week.
Mrs. Jerri Lee reported on activities that she and Ms Davison had attended in representation of the Police Jury. Mrs. Lee and Ms Davison attended the Pearl Fest at the Farm as well as attending the Germantown Blue Grass Festival. Both events were well attended and she really enjoyed them. Mrs. Lee urged those who have not attended these events to give it a try. Mrs. Lee also wanted to state that she appreciated all that the Library has to offer and to commend Beverly Hammett, Librarian.
Mr. Jim Bonsall reminded the Jurors that the Webster Parish Fair Sale will be held at 1:00 on October 7, 2011. The Jurors will make contribution to purchase an animal in the sale.
There being no further business to bring before the Jury, the Meeting adjourned.
Ronda C. Carnahan Charles Walker
Secretary-Treasurer President
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WHEREAS, the code of Federal Regulations as enacted by the United States Congress mandates that all structures defined as bridges located on all public roads shall be inspected, rated for safe load capacity and posted in accordance with the National Bridge Inspection Standards and that an inventory of these bridges be maintained by each state; and
WHEREAS, the responsibility to inspect, rate and load post those bridges under the authority of WEBSTER PARISH in accordance with those Standards is delegated by the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development to WEBSTER PARISH.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the governing authority of WEBSTER PARISH (herein referred to as the Parish) that the Parish in REGULAR MEETING assembled does hereby certify to the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (herein referred to as the DOTD) that for the period 1 October, 2011 through 30 September 2012:
The Parish has performed all interim inspections on all Parish owned or maintained bridges in accordance with the National Bridge Inspection Standards.
All bridges owned or maintained by the Parish have been structurally analyzed and rated by the Parish as to the safe load capacity in accordance with AASHTO Manual for Maintenance Inspection of Bridges. The load posting information that has been determined by the LA DOTD for all bridges where the maximum legal load under Louisiana State law exceeds the load permitted under the operating rating as determined above has been critically reviewed by the Parish. Load posting information has been updated by the Parish to reflect all structural changes, any obsolete structural ratings or any missing structural ratings.
All Parish owned or maintained bridges which require load posting or closing are load posted or closed in accordance with the table in the DOTD Engineering Directives and Standards Manual Directive No. All DOTD supplied load-posting information concerning a bridge has been critically reviewed by the Parish Engineer prior to load posting.
All bridges owned or maintained by the Parish are shown on the attached list in the format specified by the DOTD. Corrections to data supplied to the Parish by the LA DOTD are noted.
These stipulations are prerequisites to participation by the Parish in the Off-System Bridge Replacement Program.
This resolution was considered section by section and as a whole and upon motion of
Jerri Lee , being seconded by Steve Ramsey was adopted by the
following vote on this 4th day of October, 2011.
YEA: 11 NAY: 0 ABSENT: 1
s/ s/
Ronda C. Carnahan Charles R. Walker
Secretary-Treasurer President
WHEREAS, to satisfy the legal requirements of the State of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development, Office of the Federal Off-System Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement Program, and
WHEREAS, the Webster Parish Police Jury did elect Charles R. Walker, President of the Webster Parish Police Jury with all authorities, duties, responsibilities thereunto pertaining.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Webster Parish Police Jury does hereby confer signature authority to Chares R. Walker in those matters which he may legally execute within the laws of Louisiana, the United States of America and ordinances of the Parish of Webster. Such authority shall include, but not be limited to-wit:
An obligatory signature on agreements and other documents dealing with the Federal Off-System Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement Program, Webster Parish.
THUS ADOPTED, this 4th day of October, 2011 at a regular and legally convened meeting of the Webster Parish Police Jury at the Courthouse in Minden
on a motion of Jerri Lee , duly seconded by Steve Ramsey .
I Ronda C. Carnahan, duly appointed Secretary/Treasurer of the Webster Parish Police Jury do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and exact copy of a Resolution adopted by the Webster Parish Police Jury at a regular meeting on October 4, 2011 at which a quorum was present and acting.
Ronda C. Carnahan
Page 043-2011
ADOPTED: October 4, 2011
BE IT KNOWN that the Webster Parish Police Jury acting in accordance
with the laws of the State of Louisiana, hereby amends Webster Parish Ordinance
#856 of 1990 by posting the following data covering roads and bridges, effective
for the 2012 calendar year (or effective as of January 1, 2012) if you prefer just to
give a starting date).
See attached official listing of Off System Bridges located in Webster Parish, Louisiana
ON A MOTION by Jerri Lee , seconded by
Steve Ramsey ; This ordinance was adopted by the following vote on
this the 4th day of October, 2011:
YEA- 11 NAY- 0 ABSENT- 1
s/ s/
Ronda C. Carnahan Charles R. Walker
Secretary-Treasurer President
ADOPTED: October 4, 2011
RESOLUTION # 012-2011
WHEREAS, The Webster Parish Police Jury is the governing authority of the Parish of Webster, State of Louisiana and is responsible for all road within the Parish Road System, and the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development maintains all State owned roads, and
WHEREAS, LA 528 At Goodwill Road, Control 107, Section 02, Webster Parish, District 04 and in reference to Report Number 60-11-003, is a State owned and maintained road located within the Parish of Webster, and
WHEREAS , A study by the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development concerning the safety issues at the intersection of Goodwill Road and LA 528 resulted in a negative response to the need for a flashing beacon, a Multi Way Stop, reduced speed limit, or rumble strips, and
WHEREAS, The Webster Parish Police Jury complied with the recommendations of the LA DOTD at the intersection of LA 528 and Goodwill Road to improve the overall safety and operation of this intersection.
WHEREAS, the Webster Parish Police Jury does urge the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development continue to monitor the intersection and take action as needed to improve the safety of the citizens of the Goodwill Road / LA 528 area as well as all who travel these roads.
Therefore be it Resolved, That the Webster Parish Police Jury in legally convened Road Committee and approved in the Regular Session on this the 4th day of October, 2011 upon a motion by C. C. Cox, duly seconded by Steve Duggan and unanimously approved.
Further be it Resolved, That Webster Parish Police Jury Resolution # 012-2011 is hereby made a part of the record of the minutes of the Police Jury Meeting held October 4, 2011.
s/ s/
Ronda C. Carnahan Charles R. Walker
Secretary-Treasurer President
Webster Parish Police Jury - Webster Parish Courthouse Annex
401 Main St., West Entrance - P.O. Box 389 - Minden, LA 71058 - (318) 377-7564 Office - (318) 371-2366 Fax
