Agendas & Minutes >
Minutes July 3, 2012
Minutes July 3, 2012
Jul 11, 2012 -- Page 040-2012
July 3, 2012
MEMBERS: Charles Walker, President; Vera Davison, Vice President; Charles Odom; Daniel Thomas; Bruce Blanton; Perry Kirkland; Steve Lemmons; Jerri Lee; Allen Gilbert; Steve Ramsey; Jim Bonsall; and Randy Thomas
Mr. Charles Walker, President called the meeting to order and asked Ret. Judge Graydon Kitchens to open with prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by COL Carl Thompson.
Mr. Walker then asked for additions to the agenda. Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Bruce Blanton to add to the agenda- #13. “Children at Play” signs to be placed before and after 264 Langley Road- two signs. Motion carried unanimously.
No comments presented.
Mrs. Jerri Lee moved, seconded by Ms. Vera Davison to approve the minutes of the June 5, 2012 Road Committee and Intergovernmental Committee Meeting, and the June 5, 2012 Regular Meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Perry Kirkland to approve invoices for payment pending review of the committee. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mr. Daniel Thomas to approve a request from the North Webster Industrial District two street signs, Inducto Way and Incendere Drive with the NWID paying for signs poles and labor. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Perry Kirkland moved, seconded by Mr. Jim Bonsall to approve a Resolution from the Town of Cotton Valley requesting a load of cold mix, cost to be deducted from the Towns’ municipality Funding. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Allen Gilbert moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to approve a beer permit for LaFogata Mexican Restaurant located at 26026 Hwy 371 North Ste. A. Sarepta, LA. Motion carried unanimously.
A Resolution of support that was adopted in 2011 for the Tiburon Corporation to be located at Camp Minden was resubmitted. Mr. Charles Odom moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to ratify Webster Parish Police Jury Resolution # 007-2011 and forward to the State of Louisiana in support of Tiburon locating at Camp Minden. Motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Vera Davison moved, seconded by Mr. Charles Odom to nominate Mr. Steve Lemmons to the Sparta Commission as the Webster Parish Police Jury representative to serve for another term. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Ramsey to amend the agenda to state that the Fire Protection District # 4 appointment is to end March, 2013, not March, 2012. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mr. Charles Odom to reappoint Mr. James Allen Strickland to a one year term ending March, 2013. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Charles Odom moved, seconded by Ms. Vera Davison to approve expenses to the Louisiana Police Jury Association Black Caucus Meeting for one juror to attend on June 15-June 17, 2012 in Lake Charles, LA. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Jerri Lee moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Ramsey to call for a Public Hearing to hear comments concerning the levying or adopting of the adjusted millage rate and rolling forward to a millage rate not to exceed the prior year’s maximum. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Charles Odom to approve recreation funding for WPPJ District #12 to purchase uniforms for Webster Parish Fire District #3 not to exceed $500.00. Motion carried unanimously.
Page 041-2012
Webster Parish Police Jury
Regular Meeting held July 3, 2012—continued
Mr. Charles Odom moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to approve a Resolution to hold an election in the Evergreen Fire Protection District and to authorize the levy of a special tax therein. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Bruce Blanton to approve a request to install two “Children at Play” signs to be installed at 264 Langley Road. Motion carried unanimously.
Beverly Hammett Webster Parish Library
Lynn Dorsey Webster Parish Convention and Visitors’ Bureau
Ava McWhorter Webster Parish Humane Association
Joan Almond Webster Parish LSU Ag Center
COL Carl Thompson National Guard – Camp Minden
Mr. Perry Kirkland wished all a happy 4th of July.
Mr. Steve Ramsey told the Jury that Trailblazer will host an event at Grambling State University on August 4, 2012 that is targeted to Farmers, Ranchers, Landowners, Community Leaders, Business Leaders, Entrepreneurs, and anyone interested. For more information contact Trailblazer Org.
Mr. Charles Odom told the Jury that the Annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day will be held October 20, 2012 from 9:00 A.M until 2:00 P.M.
Ms. Vera Davison reported that she would give the Head Start Report for Mrs. Finley who is out of town today. The Head Start is gearing up for the upcoming school year, but there are no meetings scheduled this summer. Ms. Davison also wished all a happy and safe 4th of July.
Mrs. Jerry Lee reported on the Conference that she attended in June. Mrs. Lee stated that she received valuable information and networked with many contacts throughout the state. Mrs. Lee urged all to join with other Christian elected officials in celebration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence of our great Nation.
COL Thompson informed the Jury that there will be a dedication of the “Joshua Madden Memorial Interchange” located at I-20 and 371, today at 1:30 at the Minden Community House. Most Jurors will attend as well as many community leaders to honor this fallen hero from Minden.
Mr. Walker then gave closing remarks to the Jury.
There being no further business to bring before the Police Jury, the Meeting adjourned.
Ronda Carnahan Charles R. Walker
Secretary-Treasurer President
Page 042-2012
A resolution approving the holding of an election in Evergreen Fire Protection District, Claiborne/Webster Parishes, Louisiana, on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, to authorize the levy of a special tax therein.
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Evergreen Fire Protection District, Claiborne/Webster Parishes, Louisiana (the "Governing Authority"), acting as the governing authority of Evergreen Fire Protection District, Claiborne/Webster Parishes, Louisiana (the "District"), adopted a resolution on March 5, 2012, calling a special election in the District on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, to authorize the levy of a special tax therein; and
WHEREAS, the governing authority of the District has requested that this Police Jury, acting as the governing authority of the Parish of Webster, State of Louisiana, give its consent and authority for the District to hold the aforesaid election, and in the event that the election carries to continue to levy and collect the special tax provided for therein; and
WHEREAS, as required by Article VI, Section 15 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1974, it is now the desire of this Police Jury to approve the holding of said election and in the event that the election carries, to continue to levy and collect the special tax provided for therein;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Police Jury of the Parish of Webster, State of Louisiana, acting as the governing authority of said Parish, that:
SECTION 1. In compliance with the provisions of Article VI, Section 15 of the constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1974, and in accordance with the request of the Board of Commissioners of Evergreen Fire Protection District, Claiborne/Webster Parishes, Louisiana, this Police Jury hereby approves the holding of an election in the District, on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, at which election there will be submitted the following proposition, to-wit:
Summary: Authority to levy a 10 year, 10 mills tax for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and/or operating fire protection facilities and equipment in and for Evergreen Fire Protection District, including fire trucks.
Shall Evergreen Fire Protection District, Claiborne/Webster Parishes, Louisiana (the "District"), be authorized to levy a special tax of ten (10.00) mills on all the property subject to taxation in the District (an estimated $190,000 expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2013 and ending with the year 2022, for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, maintaining and/or operating fire protection facilities and equipment, including fire trucks, in and for the District, and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes?
SECTION 2. In the event the election carries, this Police Jury does hereby further consent to and authorize the District to continue to levy and collect the special tax provided for therein.
This resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:
Motion by Charles Odom, duly seconded by Randy Thomas:
Bruce Blanton X
Allen Gilbert X
Daniel Thomas X
Randy Thomas X
Perry Kirkland X
Jim Bonsall X
Steve Lemmons X
Charles Odom X
Jerri M. Lee X
Vera Davison X
Steve Ramsey X
Charles Walker X
And the resolution was declared adopted on this, the 3rd day of July, 2012.
/s/ Ronda Carnahan /s/ Charles Walker
Secretary-Treasurer President
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“I am most appreciative of having had the opportunity to attend a conference that gave me and other members the vehicle to present and respond to issues affecting our constituency. Upon my return I contacted several interested individuals with whom I shared valuable information and a PowerPoint presentation that I gained from the workshop on “Grants for You.” The information and the resources presented were most enlightening and helpful. The Honorable Karen Carter Peterson, a member of the Louisiana State Senate facilitated a session that gave me greater insight for legislation that is beneficial to the people I represent. More than anything the conference served as a clearinghouse for information. It stirred up in me a greater appreciation for life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness I enjoy in this land of the free. I have always been made aware that freedom brings with it the responsibility to serve. It is incumbent upon us as leaders to respect the laws of this great country, our state, our parish, and our city. It is my sincere hope that we continue to serve our fellow citizens well in our elected positions, and give loyal support to all public institutions. Let us on the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence give grateful thanks for the priceless blessings of liberty that was won for us by all of our ancestors.
Have a blessed 4th of July.”
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Article 7,Section 23(C) of the Constitution and R.S. 47:1705(B) that a Public Hearing of the Webster Parish Police Jury will be held at the Webster Parish Courthouse, 2nd floor Meeting Room, 410 Main Street, Minden, LA 71055, on Tuesday, August 7, 2012 at 10:30 A.M. to consider levying additional or increased millage rates without further voter approval or adopting the adjusted millage rate and rolling forward to a millage rate not to exceed the prior year’s maximum. The estimated amount of tax revenues to be collected in the next tax year from the increased millage and the amount of increase in taxes attributable to the millage increase is listed by each Tax below:
Description Est. Tax Revenue Tax att. to Millage Increase
General Alimony $687,042.14 $20,276.27
Exempt. Muni. $143,863.08 $ 1,261.27
Road Dist. A $371,768.53 $14,459.47
Road Dist. B $389,613.77 $ 595.71
CourtH.,H.U., Ag. $667,452.18 $15,615.07
Library $2,881,088.53 $67,403.18
Webster Parish Police Jury- Ronda Carnahan, Secretary-Treas.
Publish: June 12, 2012 & June 26, 2012
Webster Parish Police Jury - Webster Parish Courthouse Annex
401 Main St., West Entrance - P.O. Box 389 - Minden, LA 71058 - (318) 377-7564 Office - (318) 371-2366 Fax
