Agendas & Minutes >
Minutes February 4, 2014
Minutes February 4, 2014
Feb 7, 2014 --
February 4, 2014
MEMBERS: Steve Ramsey, Chairman; Steve Lemmons, Vice-Chairman, Jim Bonsall; Vera Davison; Jerri Lee; Allen Gilbert; Randy Thomas; Bruce Blanton; Charles Walker; Daniel Thomas; Perry Kirkland; and Charles Odom.
Mr. Steve Ramsey called the meeting to order and asked Ret. Judge Graydon Kitchens to open the meeting with prayer.
There are no additions to the agenda, and no comments concerning the agenda.
Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mr. Charles Walker to approve a Resolution from the Village of Dubberly to clean brush and ditches inside the city limits for the year 2014 using municipality funding. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Perry Kirkland moved, seconded by Mr. Daniel Thomas to approve a Resolution from the Town of Cotton Valley to replace culvert at 394 Crow Street using municipality funding. Approval is upon receipt of proper paperwork. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Bruce Blanton to clean ditch on private property(off of Daniel Thomas Road) for better drainage of parish cross culvert Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Allen Gilbert moved, seconded by Mr. Daniel Thomas to add the Percy Burns Road Bridge #300900 to the Webster Parish listing of bridges on the Federal Off System Bridge Program. Brad Graff, Parish Engineer is working on the paper work to have this done. Motion carried unanimously.
The next item on the agenda is Equipment purchase. With the purchase last year of an asphalt lay down machine, we now have a need for an asphalt roller. Mr. Holloway is working with Louisiana Machinery to secure a roller on state contract. The approximate cost of the roller is $100,000.00, funding will be allocated through Fund 10, Parish Transportation fund. A budget amendment will be made next month to allow for this purchase. Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to purchase the asphalt roller on state contract. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.
Ronda C. Carnahan Steve Ramsey
Secretary-Treasurer Chairman
February 4, 2014
MEMBERS: Charles Walker Vera Davison Steve Ramsey; Bruce Blanton; Perry Kirkland; Steve Lemmons; Jerri Lee; Allen Gilbert; Daniel Thomas; Charles Odom; and Randy Thomas
Ms. Vera Davison, Vice President, called the meeting to order and told the Jury that Mr. Bonsall would be out today due to an illness in his family.
Ms. Davison then asked Carl Thompson to open the meeting with prayer, followed by the pledge of allegiance led by Mrs. Jerri Lee.
The first item on the agenda is to adopt the agenda as presented with no additions. There were no comments from the audience. Motion made by Mr. Charles Odom, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to adopt the agenda as presented.
Mrs. Jerri Lee moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to adopt the minutes of the January 7, 2014 Regular Meeting and the January 29, 2014 Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Allen Gilbert moved, seconded by Mr. Perry Kirkland to approve invoices for payment pending review of the committee. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve recreational funding as described below:
District # 11 $ 300.00 Tree removal from right of way
District # 2 $ 530.81 Computer and printer for Town of Cullen Senior Center
District # 10 $1,350.00 WP Head Start reimbursement for curriculum
District # 6 $1,500.00 WP Council on Aging funding for fence at center
The next item on the agenda, Sheriff Gary Sexton spoke to the Jury concerning the retirement of Ward 2/ Springhill City Court Marshall Morris McClary on February 28, 2014. Sheriff Sexton asked the Jury to consider Wayne Newton to fill the term until an election is called due to his experience and readiness for the Ward Marshall position.
Ms. Davison informed the Jury that in compliance with R.S. 18:653/ R.S. 18:602 it is the responsibility of the governing authority to appoint someone to complete the unexpired term of Morris McClary. Juror Bruce Blanton then stated that Mr. McClary will retire effective February 28, 2014 and therefore he recommends that Wayne Newton be appointed to fill the unexpired term. Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Bruce Blanton to appoint Wayne Newton effective March 1, 2014 to fill the unexpired term of Morris McClary, Ward Marshall/City Marshall, Springhill, Louisiana. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Perry Kirkland moved, seconded by Mr. Charles Walker to accept the resignation of Mr. Robert Kilburn and approve the appointment of Mr. Gene Hanson to a 2-year appointment to replace Mr. Kilburn on the Cotton Valley Fire District #8 Board. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Randy Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Daniel Thomas to approve the re-appointment of Denise G. Miller as Secretary/Treasurer for a two year term of office on the Evergreen Volunteer Fire Department Board of Directors. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to approve the re-appointment of Jim Bell and Roger Schumacher to a full term of two years on the Sarepta Fire District #5 Board of Directors. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve the organismal appointments of the Sibley Volunteer Fire Department Board of Directors as follows: Todd Cummings, Bill Young, Mark Clements, and Kenneth Chandler. Motion carried unanimously.
A property located on Lake Bistineau that actually was below the meander line of the lake was put on the tax rolls many years ago and was eventually adjudicated to the Parish and therefore placed on a sealed bid sale for the Parish. Mr. Bobby L. Yates purchased the property, paid $1,001.00 and was given a Cash Sale Deed. This sale was contested and the presiding Judge ruled that the property should never have been placed on the tax rolls. Webster Asst. DA Patrick Jackson had already instructed the office to refund the $1,001.00 to Mr. Yates. Mr. Charles Walker moved, seconded by Charles Odom to ratify the action to refund the adjudicated property sale to Mr. Yates. Motion carried unanimously.
The 2014 Webster Parish Police Jury Committee Appointments were presented on behalf of Mr. Bonsall.
Patrick Jackson, Webster ADA advised the Jury the ethics requirements for training and for financial disclosure.
Mrs. Jerri Lee moved, seconded by Mr. Allen Gilbert to approve the expenses for Jurors and staff to attend the Louisiana Police Jury Convention in Baton Rouge on February 26, 2014-March 1, 2014. Motion carried unanimously.
Mary Whitaker WPPJ Office of Community Services
Wanda Finley Head Start, Webster Parish
Beverly Hammett Webster Parish Library
Joan Almond Webster Parish LSU Extension Service
Carl Thompson Webster Parish Assessor, Morris Guin
COL John Hennigan Camp Minden/ Louisiana Military
John Stanley Webster Parish OEP/Homeland Security Director
Committee Reports:
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve the action taken at the Road Committee Meeting held earlier today. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Ramsey then stated for the public that all parish roads unless otherwise signed and set by the Parish, are under state maximum speed limit of 55 MPH.
Mrs. Jerri Lee reported that five jurors attended the expansion announcement at Fibrebond yesterday. The Governor was present for the announcement. Mrs. Lee also stated that she had attended the Meet and Greet for new Webster Superintendent Daniel Rawls at the School Board Offices.
Ms. Davison then gave closing remarks. And there being no further business to bring to the Jury, the meeting adjourned.
Ronda Carnahan Vera Davison
Secretary-Treasurer Vice-President
Webster Parish Police Jury - Webster Parish Courthouse Annex
401 Main St., West Entrance - P.O. Box 389 - Minden, LA 71058 - (318) 377-7564 Office - (318) 371-2366 Fax
