Agendas & Minutes >
Minutes April 2, 2014
Minutes April 2, 2014
Apr 9, 2014 -- PAGE 168-2014
April 2, 2014
MEMBERS: Vera Davison, Chairman; Jerri Lee, Vice Chairman; Jim Bonsall, President; Daniel Thomas; Charles Odom; Charles Walker; and Steve Lemmons.
MEMBER ABSENT: Bruce Blanton
Ms. Vera Davison called the meeting to order and then opened with prayer. Ms. Davison then asked for additions to the agenda. There were no comments on the Agenda.
The first item on the agenda is the renewal of the Group Health Insurance for 2014-2015 which will renew on May 1, 2014. Mr. Jim Ritchie, Agent for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana told the Jury that the renewal came in at 5.5% for the Group Health, Hospitalization, and Pharmacy. There was no increase in the Dental premium or in the Life Insurance. Mr. Ritchie then answered questions concerning the renewal and the Blue Cross policy. Mr. Charles Odom moved, seconded by Mr. Charles Walker to approve the renewal for 2014-2015 with Blue Cross Blue Shield as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Jerri Lee moved, seconded by Mr. Daniel Thomas to approve the Records Retention Policy and to name Mrs. Ronda Carnahan the Records Retention officer for the Webster Parish Police Jury. This information is to be sent to the Secretary of State Archives Office for approval. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to bring before the Committee, the meeting adjourned.
Ronda C. Carnahan Vera Davison
Secretary-Treasurer Chairman
April 2, 2014
MEMBERS: Steve Ramsey, Chairman; Steve Lemmons, Vice-Chairman, Jim Bonsall; Vera Davison; Jerri Lee; Randy Thomas; Bruce Blanton; Allen Gilbert, Charles Walker; Daniel Thomas; Perry Kirkland; and Charles Odom.
Mr. Steve Ramsey called the meeting to order and asked for additions to the agenda.
Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to add the following to the agenda:
5. Side boom cutter at the Sewer Pond
6- Resolution from the Town of Cotton Valley
7- Stuckey Road, Speed Limit
8- Discussion of the George Taylor Road
9- Equipment Sale- Information
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Charles Odom to ratify the action (Permission to go on land) taken to clean a drainage ditch on Cook Baker Road for parish cross culvert drainage. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Charles Walker moved, seconded by Mr. Jim Bonsall to approve a Resolution from the Village of Heflin to allow for the installation of culverts for the village citizens for 2014. Motion carried unanimously.
A listing of the roads to be blacktopped using District A funding is:
Wilford Shaw Road 2-shot $21,269.10
Hidden Ranch Road 2-shot $ 3,478.40
Topeka Trail 2-shot $ 6,708.54
Regal Road 2-shot $ 6,664.54
Mr. Charles Walker moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to approve the list as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. Brad Graff, Parish Engineer presented the current Priority Listing for 2014. Mr. Graff suggested adjusting the surface ratings on the roads already completed and to keep the rating on two roads, but postpone work until after oil field traffic has ceased. Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to approve the listing as recommended. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mr. Charles Walker to approve a request from the Webster Parish Sewer District #1 to use the side boom cutter to mow the grass around the sewer pond. A cooperative endeavor will be signed by the Sewer District and the Police Jury. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Perry Kirkland moved, seconded by Mr. Daniel Thomas to approve a Resolution from the Town of Cotton Valley to provide a load of Cold Mix. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Jim Bonsall moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to set the speed limit on the Stuckey Road and post signage. The speed limit will be determined by Mr. Holloway. Motion carried unanimously.
-NOTE: Speed limit set 4/09/14 – 35MPH – Hwy 531 to Harvey Barbershop Road
20 MPH – Harvey Barbershop Road to Dead End.
Mr. Jim Bonsall told the Jury that the surplused equipment that was put in a recent auction went for $48,000.00.
There being no further business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.
Ronda C. Carnahan Steve Ramsey
Secretary-Treasurer Chairman
April 2, 2014
MEMBERS: Jim Bonsall, Charles Walker, Vera Davison Steve Ramsey; Bruce Blanton; Perry Kirkland; Steve Lemmons; Jerri Lee; Daniel Thomas; Charles Odom; Allen Gilbert, and Randy Thomas
Mr. Jim Bonsall called the meeting to order and asked that Ret. COL Carl Thompson open the meeting with prayer. Mr. Bonsall led in the Pledge of Allegiance. The first item on the agenda is the Additions to the Agenda:
Mr. Charles Walker moved, seconded by Mr. Daniel Thomas to add to the agenda:
4B- Melanie Smith, Registrar
9-- Change May 6, 2014 meeting time from 10:30A.M. to 11:00A.M.
Motion carried unanimously.
There were no audience comments on the agenda.
Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mr. Perry Kirkland to approve the minutes of the Road Committee Meeting and the Regular Meeting that were held on March 4, 2014. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to approve invoices for payment pending review of the committee. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Melanie Smith, Registrar of Voters spoke to the Jury. Mrs. Smith told the Jury that she had completed the work needed to canvass the voter registration rolls and now the Jury would have to take action to submit proposed precinct merges. Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Ms. Vera Davison to retain the services of Mr. Doug Mitchell, Demographer, to begin work to merge precincts having less than 300 active voters.
Mr. Allen Gilbert moved, seconded by Mr. Bruce Blanton to approve the following recreational funding proposals:
District #1 City of Springhill $1,000.00 City Court Audit expense
District #1 Springhill Fire Dept. $ 600.00 Purchase rescue saw
District #2 Springhill Fire Dept. $ 600.00 Purchase rescue saw (one saw)
Motion carried unanimously.
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Regular Meeting- Continued—
Mr. Allen Gilbert moved, seconded by Mr. Perry Kirkland to approve the recommendation for appointments to the Cullen Fire District #6: to appoint Mr. B. T. “Joe” Powell to a two year term, Town of Cullen appointment; and to appoint Mr. Bobby Dodson to replace Mr. Ted Owens, Mr. Owens was appointed Chairman. Motion carried unanimously.
The District #7 Fire Station located on Hwy 80 outside of Dixie Inn is a Parish voting place. Mr. Perry Kirkland moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to make improvements to the parking area prior to the upcoming spring election. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Charles Odom moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to give Notice that the Police Jury of the Parish of Webster, State of Louisiana, plans to consider a resolution ordering and calling an election to be held within the Parish to authorize the renewal of an ad valorem tax at its meeting on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. at the Webster Parish Courthouse, 2nd Floor, 410 Main Street, Minden, Louisiana. Motion carried unanimously.
The Lt. Governor, Jay Dardenne will be in Minden on May 6, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. as part of the Lt. Governor’s Tourism in Louisiana mini bus tour of the state. The regular meeting will be postponed until 11:00 a.m. on that day. Ms. Vera Davison moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Ramsey to approve this action. Motion carried unanimously.
Wanda Finley Head Start, Webster Parish
Beverly Hammett Webster Parish Library
Lynn Dorsey Webster Parish Convention and Visitors Bureau
Carl Thompson Webster Parish Assessor, Morris Guin
John Stanley Webster Parish OEP/Homeland Security Director
Ellzey SimmonsTrailblazer
Mr. Steve Ramsey told the Jury about upcoming events in his District, the Heflin Sawmill Festival and the Town of Sibley Clean Up Day. Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve the action taken at the Road Committee meeting held earlier today. Motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Vera Davison told the Jury that she and Mrs. Lee had attended Judge Graydon Kitchen’s 50 years in Law Practice Reception. Ms. Davison then moved, seconded by Mr. Perry Kirkland to approve the action taken at the Administrative Committee Meeting held earlier today. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bruce Blanton told the Jury that Governor Bobby Jindal had announced a new industry that will be moving into the North Webster Industrial Complex, “Integrico Composites”. Mr. Blanton congratulated the NWID on securing this industry that will bring at least 300 new jobs into Webster Parish.
Mr. Jim Bonsall then gave closing remarks and thanked all in attendance.
There being no further business to bring before the Jury, the meeting adjourned.
Ronda Carnahan Jim Bonsall
Secretary-Treasurer President
Webster Parish Police Jury - Webster Parish Courthouse Annex
401 Main St., West Entrance - P.O. Box 389 - Minden, LA 71058 - (318) 377-7564 Office - (318) 371-2366 Fax
