Agendas & Minutes >
Minutes September 2, 2014
Minutes September 2, 2014
Sep 3, 2014 --
PAGE 198-2014
September 2, 2014
MEMBERS: Steve Ramsey, Chairman; Steve Lemmons, Vice-Chairman, Jim Bonsall; Vera Davison; Jerri Lee; Randy Thomas; Allen Gilbert, Charles Walker; Perry Kirkland; and Charles Odom
ABSENT: Daniel Thomas
Mr. Steve Ramsey asked that Mrs. Jerri Lee open the meeting with prayer. Mr. Ramsey then called the meeting to order, and asked for additions to the agenda.
Mr. Charles Walker moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to add Landfill project. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mr. Jim Bonsall to do routine maintenance, patching, up to $6,500.00 using Road District “A” funding on Kennedy Drive. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri M. Lee to set speed limit at 15 MPH from end to end on the Lawson Davis Road, a short street that runs between Jack Martin Road and Beech Springs Road off of LA Hwy 80. Signage has been installed due to school traffic prior to the meeting, authorized by voice vote. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mr. Allen Gilbert to approve a Resolution from the Village of Dubberly to pave Garrett Drive using municipality funding and any Recreational funding designated to the project. Motion carried unanimously.
The next item on the agenda is a request from Republic Waste, operator of the Webster Parish Landfill, to replace approximately 175 feet of culvert, 18” PVC pipe in the original cell. Maintenance of this cell is under the contract due to prior cell closure by the WPPJ. Republic will provide cover for the culvert. No action required due to contract requirements.
There being no further business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.
Ronda C. Carnahan Steve Ramsey
Secretary-Treasurer Chairman
PAGE 199-2014
September 2, 2014 10:30 a.m.
MEMBERS: Jim Bonsall, Charles Walker, Vera Davison; Perry Kirkland; Steve Ramsey; Charles Odom;
Steve Lemmons; Bruce Blanton; Jerri Lee; Allen Gilbert, and Randy Thomas
ABSENT: Daniel Thomas
BOARD OF REVIEW: The Webster Parish Police Jury sat as a Board of Review of the 2014 Assessment of real and personal property of the Parish of Webster, State of Louisiana.
There were no protest received prior to the deadline, and there were no protest received at the Board of Review.
The Regular Meeting of the Webster Parish Police Jury is called to order by President, Mr. Jim Bonsall. Mr. Bonsall then asked Mr. Carl Thompson to open the meeting with prayer. COL John R. Hennigan, Jr. then led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Jim Bonsall then asked for additions to the agenda.
Mr. Charles Walker moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to add to the agenda the following:
District #7, $2,500.00 for repairs to Garrett Drive. The following other Districts also contributed to the repairs to Garrett Drive: District # 10, $450.00; District # 12, $1,000.00; and District # 9 $500.00. Motion carried unanimously.
There were no audience comments concerning the agenda.
Mr. Perry Kirkland moved, seconded by Mr. Allen Gilbert to adopt the minutes as presented of the Road committee, the Buildings and Grounds committee, and the Administrative committee meeting held on August 5, 2014, and also the minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 5, 2014. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Ms. Vera Davison to approve invoices for payment pending review of the committee. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Randy Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Charles Odom to approve a Resolution authorizing the holding of an election in Fire Protection District # 10 on Saturday, December 6, 2014 to authorize the incurring of debt and issuance of bonds therein. Motion carried unanimously.
Concerning the Board of Review, Mr. Morris Guin, Webster Parish Assessor, spoke to the Jury and made the annual report of 2014 Board of Review. Mr. Guin also presented the assessment list of Webster Parish for 2014: Taxpayer, $258,309,823.00; and Homestead Exemption, $52,940,006.00.
Mr. Charles Walker moved, seconded by Mr. Bruce Blanton to approve the Assessor report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Charles Walker moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri M. Lee to approve the following list of Recreational funding expense:
District #1 $500.00 for building materials for the City of Springhill
District # 2 $489.00 for building materials for the City of Springhill
District #4 $800.00 for purchase of gas detectors for the Shongaloo Fire Department
District #7 $2500.00 for repairs to Garrett Drive
District #9 $500.00 for repairs to Garrett Drive (District #7)
District #10 $450.00 for repairs to Garrett Drive (District # 7)
District #12 $750.00 for economic development for the Village of Doyline
District #12 $1,000.00 for repairs to Garrett Drive (District #7)
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Ramsey to approve a Resolution of Support for efforts to save Fort Polk military base. Motion carried unanimously.
Mary Whitaker Webster Parish Police Jury Office of Community Services
Beverly Hammett Webster Parish Library
Carl Thompson Webster Parish Assessor Office, Morris Guin, Assessor
COL John Hennigan, Jr. Louisiana Military / Camp Minden
Nicole Frazier Springhill City Council
PAGE 200-2014
Webster Parish Police Jury
Regular Meeting, September 2, 2014 – Continued:
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve the action taken at the Road Committee Meeting earlier today. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Charles Odom reminded all that the Household Hazardous Waste Day will be October 11, 2014 at the Minden Fair Grounds.
Mr. Jim Bonsall then gave closing remarks, and there being no further business to bring before the Jury, the meeting adjourned.
Ronda Carnahan Jim Bonsall
Secretary-Treasurer President
PAGE 201-2014
RESOLUTION – 25-2014
WHEREAS, the residents, civic and business leaders, and elected officials of the Parish of Webster, Louisiana express their respect and admiration for the servicemen and women who serve, train, and lead our Nation’s premier joint training facility at Fort Polk and;
WHEREAS, the residents, civic and business leaders and elected officials of the Webster Parish Police Jury are so very grateful for the spouses, children, parents and grandparents who also serve our great Nation by maintaining a sense of family normality during extended temporary duties and deployments and;
WHEREAS, since its establishment in 1941, Fort Polk has been a key military installation for training our Nation’s soldiers preparing for combat in all of the major wars and conflicts including, World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam, Panama, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan and Iraq;
WHEREAS,several billions of tax dollars have been provided to the Department of Defense over the years for the purpose of planning, establishing and maintaining combat training facilities throughout the world and;
WHEREAS, the Department of Defense and U.S. Army leadership have selected Fort Polk year after year to invest more than a billion tax dollars through Fort Polk Transformation and other initiatives to modernize facilities necessary to support the world-premiere Joint Readiness Training Center and Warrior Brigade to further strengthen our combat and special forces and;
WHEREAS, the result of this training significantly and directly contributes to our Nation maintaining land and air superiority throughout the worlds, it allows our warfighters to lead joint and multi-national operations, and it also contributes to our homeland security, and quick response to any natural disaster in this region and;
WHEREAS, the State of Louisiana, Webster Parish, and every local community of Louisiana actively and energetically supports Fort Polk through numerous financial, educational, civic and business means exceeding more than $400,000,000. Through schools, roads, airport, and;
WHEREAS, the cost of living in the Fort Polk area of Louisiana is 25% lower than the rest of the country allowing for a comfortable quality of life for the approximate 10,000 active servicemen and women and their 18,000 family members, 4,000 service members rotating through for training, 2,000 public servant civilians who lead and serve, and several thousand Guard and Reserve service members and contractors who are dedicated and committed to Fort Polk and;
WHEREAS, the Fort Polk Community Based Outpatient Clinic continues to provide quality medical services and assistance to more than 30,000 veterans in need and,
THEREFORE LET IT HEREBY BE RESOLVEDthat the Webster Parish Police Jury, Louisiana urges the Congress and President of these United States to work in unison to continue the operations at Fort Polk, Louisiana and provide the necessary funding levels to maintain this vital national security and military installation.
The above having been submitted to a vote and results thereon were as follows:
YEAS: 11
Resolution declared adopted on this the2ndday of September, 2014.
Ronda C. Carnahan Jim Bonsall
Secretary-Treasurer President
PAGE 202-2014
The following resolution was offered by _Randy Thomas___ and seconded by CharlesOdom__:
A resolution approving the holding of an election in Fire Protection District No. 10 of the Parish of Webster, State of Louisiana, on Saturday, December 6, 2014, to authorize the incurring of debt and issuance of bonds therein.
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Fire Protection District No. 10 of the Parish of Webster, State of Louisiana (the "Governing Authority"), acting as the governing authority of Fire Protection District No. 10 of the Parish of Webster, State of Louisiana (the "District"), adopted a resolution on August 21, 2014, calling a special election in the District on Saturday, December 6, 2014, to authorize the incurring of debt and issuance of bonds therein; and
WHEREAS, the governing authority of the District has requested that this Police Jury, acting as the governing authority of the Parish of Webster, State of Louisiana, give its consent and authority for the District to hold the aforesaid election, and in the event that the election carries to issue, sell and deliver the bonds provided for therein; and
WHEREAS, as required by Article VI, Section 15 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1974, it is now the desire of this Police Jury to approve the holding of said election and in the event that the election carries, to issue, sell and deliver the bonds provided for therein;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Police Jury of the Parish of Webster, State of Louisiana, acting as the governing authority of said Parish, that:
SECTION 1. In compliance with the provisions of Article VI, Section 15 of the constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1974, and in accordance with the request of the Board of Commissioners of Fire Protection District No. 10 of the Parish of Webster, State of Louisiana, this Police Jury hereby approves the holding of an election in the District, on Saturday, December 6, 2014, at which election there will be submitted the following proposition, to-wit:
Shall Fire Protection District No. 10 of the Parish of Webster, State of Louisiana (the "District"), incur debt and issue bonds to the amount of not exceeding One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000), to run not exceeding fifteen (15) years from the date thereof, with interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum (6%) per annum, for the purpose of acquiring, constructing and improving buildings, machinery and equipment, including fire trucks, title to which shall be in the public, to be used in giving fire protection to the property in the District, which bonds will be general obligations of the District and will be payable from ad valorem taxes to be levied and collected in the manner provided by Article VI, Section 33 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1974, and statutory authority supplemental thereto, with an estimated 6 mills to be levied in the first year of issue to pay said Bonds?
SECTION 2. In the event the election carries, this Police Jury does hereby further consent to and authorize the District to issue, sell and deliver the bonds provided for therein.
This resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:
Bruce Blanton X
Allen Gilbert X
Daniel Thomas X
Randy Thomas X
Perry Kirkland X
Jim Bonsall X
Steve Lemmons X
Charles Odom X
Jerri Lee X
Vera Davison X
Steve Ramsey X
Charles Walker X
And the resolution was declared adopted on this, the 2ndday of September, 2014
/s/ Ronda C. Carnahan /s/ Jim Bonsall
Secretary-Treasurer President
Webster Parish Police Jury - Webster Parish Courthouse Annex
401 Main St., West Entrance - P.O. Box 389 - Minden, LA 71058 - (318) 377-7564 Office - (318) 371-2366 Fax
