Agendas & Minutes >
December 1, 2015- Intergovernmental Meeting Minutes
December 1, 2015- Intergovernmental Meeting Minutes
Dec 22, 2015 --
December 1, 2015
MEMBERS: Daniel Thomas, Chairman; Perry Kirkland, Vice Chairman; Vera Davison; Allen Gilbert; Steve Ramsey; Jerri Lee, and Steve Lemmons; and Jim Bonsall, President.
Mr. Daniel Thomas, Chairman called the meeting to order, Mr. Thomas then asked for additions to the agenda. There are no additions.
The Early Warning System Grant Application was presented for approval. After discussion on the grant application, Mr. Perry Kirkland moved, seconded by Mr. Allen Gilbert to approve the EWS Grant Application as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to bring before the Committee, the meeting adjourned.
Ronda C. Carnahan Daniel Thomas, Chairman
Secretary-Treasurer Intergovernmental Committee
PAGE 065-2015
Webster Parish Police Jury Early Warning System Grant
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: The purpose of this grant is to provide funding to establish an “Early Warning System” for municipalities located within Webster Parish. This is an annual grant for one time funding in the amount not to exceed $25,000.00.
The annual Budget of the Webster Parish Police Jury will determine whether funds are available for the Grant.
Grant Requirements:
*The Grant is specifically for the purchase of, or the partial payment for an Early Warning System to be installed within the Municipality that is the successful recipient of the WPPJ EWS Grant. The Early Warning System Specifications and/or proposal must be approved by the Intergovernmental Committee of the Webster Parish Police Jury prior to award of the Grant.
A municipality may apply more than one time, but can only receive the grant one time.
*The Grant is to be paid to a Municipality of Webster Parish One (1) Municipality in a funding Year. Only one grant per municipality will be considered. (Municipalities listed below)
Minden Springhill
Sibley Cullen
Doyline Sarepta
Dubberly Cotton Valley
Heflin Shongaloo
Dixie Inn
*The Grant is specifically for funding to establish an “Early Warning System”. No other purpose will be considered. Grant recipients may use allocated funds only for the purchase or partial purchase of an approved “Early Warning System”.
*The Grant application must be approved by a majority vote of the Municipality (City Council and Mayor) requesting the funding.
*The Grant proposal will be considered upon the following criteria:
1- Proposal – reasons for the request
2- Early Warning System Specifications and /or proposal from a reputable supplier.
3- Municipality participation in the project
4- Budget for anticipated work
5- Statement of Need including the number of people that will be served.
6- Cost Benefit Analysis
7- Percentage of Match, ex: 80% Grant to 20% Match to equal total Cost
(Items #5 and #6 can be listed as one)
* Grant award information:
The grant application must be delivered to the Webster Parish Police Jury Office no later than April 15thof the year of application. The Intergovernmental Committee will vote on the applications at the following May meeting (The 1stTuesday of the Month).
*Cooperative Endeavor: The successful applicant/municipality will complete a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement (included in grant package). The municipality awarded the grant will receive the Police Jury funding specified for this purpose.
*All Louisiana State Bid Law- requirements must be met by the awarded municipality and is the responsibility of the municipality. The equipment will become the property of the municipality and included for their inventory and audit requirements. THEREFORE: Upon receipt of the Grant, equipment is the property of the municipality. The Municipality is responsible for maintenance and all future cost associated with the Early Warning System.
Webster Parish Police Jury Early Warning System Grant
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: The purpose of this grant is to provide funding to establish an “Early Warning System” for municipalities located within Webster Parish. This is an annual grant for one time funding in the amount not to exceed $25,000.00.
Municipality Name:
Complete Address:
(Phone) (Fax) (E-Mail)
Tax ID Number:
Contact Person/ authorized agent:
(Name) (Phone) (E-mail)
Total Projected Budget for Early Warning System: $
Less Grant Requested $
Matching Municipality Funding $
Please give a brief description of your project:
Please provide details of the equipment that you plan to purchase and the system to be installed:
Webster Parish Police Jury - Webster Parish Courthouse Annex
401 Main St., West Entrance - P.O. Box 389 - Minden, LA 71058 - (318) 377-7564 Office - (318) 371-2366 Fax
