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Minutes- April 5, 2016
Minutes- April 5, 2016
Apr 8, 2016 --
PAGE 095-2016
April 5, 2016 – 9:00 a.m.
MEMBERS: Vera Davison, Chairman; Jerri Lee, Vice Chairman; Daniel Thomas; Steve Ramsey; Nick Cox; Steve Lemmons; Bruce Blanton; and Jim Bonsall, President.
Ms. Vera Davison called the meeting to order and then led in prayer. Ms. Davison then asked for additions to the agenda.
Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to add to the agenda WPPJ Facebook Page. Motion carried unanimously.
The first item on the agenda is discussion of Debris Removal and Disposal and Monitoring RFPs. Patrick Jackson, ADA for Webster Parish explained the issue of Debris removal and the ability to seek reimbursement of expense from FEMA. There was extensive discussion on this subject. Jurors Steve Ramsey and Dustin Moseley spoke concerning residents that were in need of assistance. Mr. Jackson explained that the Police Jury is not the first line of assistance, all residents affected must first register with FEMA and/or with their insurance companies and to go through this process to seek FEMA assistance. The media was asked to inform the public that a decision on debris pick up would be made this week and the residents would be notified.
Mr. Jim Bonsall discussed the property located off of Miller Road. He presented a proposal from a local timber company and the estimate of value from timber over a yearly span. No decision was made as to whether or not to sell this property. The committee took the matter under advisement.
There was then a discussion of change in Polling Place for Webster Parish Precinct #15. This precinct currently votes at the Pleasant Valley Community House. The Community House is in disrepair and is no longer viable as a polling place for the voters or the poll workers. A church within the precinct has been contacted to serve as the polling place. No action taken.
Mr. Nick Cox, WPPJ Juror for District #8 discussed the need for social media exposure especially during events like the March 8thflood/storm, declared disaster. There was discussion, and the WPPJ office was asked to move forward with establishing a Facebook page that is secured. Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to take this action. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.
Ronda C. Carnahan Vera Davison
Secretary-Treasurer Chairman
PAGE 096-2016
April 5, 2016 – immediately following Administrative Committee
MEMBERS: Steve Ramsey, Chairman; Steve Lemmons, Vice Chairman; Jim Bonsall, President; Randy Thomas; Daniel Thomas; Vera Davison; Jerri Lee; Bruce Blanton; Allen Gilbert; Nick Cox; Dustin Moseley.
MEMBER ABSENT: Bernard Hudson
Mr. Steve Ramsey called the meeting to order and asked for additions to the agenda. There were no additions to the agenda.
Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Jim Bonsall to approve a Resolution from the Town of Sibley to host an Annual Clean-Up day on April 9, 2016 funding through municipality funding. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Jerri Lee moved, seconded by Mr. Bruce Blanton to approve a Resolution from the Town of Sibley for repair of S.E. 3rdStreet using municipality funding. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Allen Gilbert to approve a Resolution from the Town of Cotton Valley to approve 1 load of clean dirt using municipality funding. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Teddy Holloway told the committee that priority roads may have to be postponed in order to make flood repairs and wash out repairs using the Parish Transportation funding. Mr. Brad Graff, Parish Engineer stated that the Jury will have to get DOTD approval to take this action; Mr. Graff will draft a letter on behalf of the Jury.
Mr. Teddy Holloway told the Jury that a grant for signage has been approved by DOTD. The state will fund the signage, and the Jury’s share will be the labor to install. Action will be taken at the Regular Meeting at 10:30.
Mr. Dustin Moseley moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to approve a Resolution from the Town of Doyline for ditching on Roy Hale Drive. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Dustin Moseley moved, seconded by Ms. Vera Davison to approve a Resolution from the Town of Doyline to repair pot holes on Main Street. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to bring before the Committee the meeting adjourned.
Ronda C. Carnahan Steve Ramsey
Secretary-Treasurer Chairman
PAGE 097-2016
April 5, 2016
MEMBERS: Jim Bonsall, President; Vera Davison, Vice President; Jerri M. Lee; Daniel Thomas; Steve Ramsey; Steve Lemmons; Bruce Blanton; Allen Gilbert; Bernard Hudson; Nick Cox; Randy Thomas; Dustin Moseley
Mr. Jim Bonsall, President called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Jimmy West to lead in prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Cadet Hunter Manuel.
Mr. Bonsall then asked for additions to the agenda. There were no additions.
Mr. Bonsall asked for comments concerning the agenda. There were no comments.
Mr. Randy Thomas moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to adopt the minutes of the March 1, 2016 Administrative Committee Meeting, the March 1, 2016 Road Committee Meeting, and the March 1, 2016 Regular Meeting. Approve the minutes of the March 15, 2016 Special Meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve invoices for payment pending review of the committee. Motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Vera Davison moved, seconded by Mr. Dustin Moseley to approve Jury Expense to attend the Louisiana Police Jury Association in Shreveport on March 3-5, 2016 and to approve Jury expense to attend Louisiana Legislative Day in Baton Rouge on March 31, 2016. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Allen Gilbert moved, seconded by Mr. Daniel Thomas to approve recreational funding for the following districts contribution to the Cullen Museum made payable to the Town of Cullen:
District # 1, $900.00; District # 2, $1,500.00; District # 3, $2,000.00; District # 8, $500.00; District #9, $1,500.00; and District # 10, $1,500.00. Payment is pending proper documentation for repairs. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mr. Bernard Hudson to approve the following board appointments:
a- Cullen F.P.D. #6 to appoint Ms. Allison Berry to fill the vacancy of Ms. Katie Mosley, Secretary-Treasurer.
b- Sparta Groundwater Conservation District Commission to appoint WPPJ representative Mr. Nick Cox effective 10-15-2016.
c- Webster P.F.P. District #4, Dubberly to reappoint: Mr. James Allan Strickland, Chairman- 2 yr. term; Mr. Jim towns, 1 year term; and Mr. Jeffrey William Lair, 1 year term.
d- Webster P.F.P. District #1, Doyline; to reappoint Ms. Beth Walker for a 3 year term- April, 2019.
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mr. Daniel Thomas to approve a Signature Resolution giving Mr. Jim Bonsall, President authority to sign documents on behalf of the Webster Parish Police Jury for a DOTD Signage Grant for Old Arcadia Road. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mr. Allen Gilbert to approve a Resolution of the Webster Parish Library Board of Control action to purchase property for the Springhill Branch of the Webster Parish Library (formerly Walgreen building in Springhill.). Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Dustin Moseley to ratify action taken to advertise under emergency bid due to the Storm Disaster of March 8, 2016, and to open the RFP s on April 1, 2016:
Approve Debris Management Plan for Webster Parish that allows for the request for proposals for these services; approve the advertisement for bid for request for proposals for Debris Monitoring; and to approve the advertisement for bid for request for proposals for Debris Removal and Disposal using FEMA guidelines. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Ms. Vera Davison to approve contract for Debris Disposal and / or for Debris Monitoring pending approval by legal counsel and FEMA regulations. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to approve a Resolution to formally accept ownership from DOTD of Doerge Landing as specified in Louisiana construction project at this location. Motion carried unanimously.
PAGE 098-2016
April 5, 2016
Regular Meeting – Continued:
Mr. Bernard Hudson moved, seconded by Mr. Nick Cox to approve the action needed by the Webster Parish Police Jury to move forward with change in polling place for Webster Parish Precinct # 15. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to approve the canvass of voter’s registration rolls and approval to request allowed exemptions of precincts with less than 300 registered active voters. Motion carried unanimously.
Mary Whitaker, WPPJ OCS
Wanda Finley Webster Parish Head Start
Beverly Hammett Webster Parish Library
Lynn Dorsey Webster Parish Convention and Visitor’s Bureau
Joan Almond Webster Parish LSU Ag Center
COL Carl Thompson Webster Parish Assessor’s Office – Morris Guin Assessor
John Stanley WP Office of Homeland Security and OEP
Shawn Hatcher Camp Minden – Youth Challenge Program
Mr. Steve Ramsey expressed his appreciation to those that assisted with the March 8- to date Disaster including: Jurors, Road Department, Teddy Holloway, Pete Colvin, First Responders, Volunteers, Churches, John Stanley, Jenny Reynolds, and any others that helped during this time.
Mr. Steve Ramsey then moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve the action taken at the Road Committee Meeting held earlier today. Motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Vera Davison expressed her appreciation to all that assisted with the flooding in her district within the City of Minden, and especially Mr. Shawn Hatcher and YCP Cadets, and Mrs. Jerri Lee.
Ms. Vera Davison moved, seconded by Mr. Nick Cox to approve the action taken at the Administrative Committee Meeting held earlier today. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Jerri Lee expressed her thanks to Mrs. Lynn Dorsey with the Convention and Visitor’s Bureau for the outstanding publicity that our Parish is receiving through the work of the Bureau. Mrs. Lee reported on Legislative Day in Baton Rouge on March 31st. Five Jurors attended and all received good information and thankful for the opportunity to attend. Mrs. Lee then commended the Library Board of Control.
Mr. Dustin Mosely stated that he was very impressed with the cooperation between all agencies during the disaster and disaster recovery efforts, including the Churches, governmental agencies, John Stanley and Jenny Reynolds, GOSEP, FEMA response teams, and all others that assisted during this disaster.
Mr. Jim Bonsall then gave his closing remarks and there being no further business to bring before the Jury, the meeting adjourned.
Ronda C. Carnahan Jim Bonsall
Secretary-Treasurer President
PAGE 099-2016
Webster Parish Police Jury
Resolution No. ___005-2016_____
WHEREAS, The Webster Parish Police Jury agrees to accept ownership of whatever rights the State of Louisiana, through the Department of Transportation and Development (“Department”), may own in and to the following described property and agrees to accept all duties, obligations, and responsibilities for the operation, maintenance, and liabilities associated therewith, for its use as a parish road and facility, subject to reservation of a permanent drainage servitude in favor of the Department, on, over and across the property described as follows:
The remaining segment of former state route LA 157, inclusive of the boat ramp facility, beginning at the west bank of Dorcheat Bayou and proceeding west approximately 0.12 mile to its terminus at the former LA 157 bridge end location located at near the current dead end installation as shown on the attached map (Exhibit “1”), and in accordance with the following specific conditions and limitations:
I. The Webster Parish Police Jury agrees to accept the permanent drainage servitude which the Department reserves on, over and across the described property and agrees that no portion of the property subject to the servitude will be disposed of, no drainage ditches or any structures associated with the servitude will be disposed of, no drainage ditches or any structures associated with servitude will be altered, and no driveway or other right of way permits will be issued without the express written consent of the Department.
II. The Webster Parish Police Jury agrees to hold harmless the Department from any and all liability or claims for damages arising out of the subsequent operation and maintenance of the roadway and boat ramp installation, and does expressly agree to defend any suit of any nature which may be brought against the Department and to pay any judgment which may result from any claim or suit related to the operation or maintenance by the Parish of this public road and boat ramp installation.
III. The Webster Parish Police Jury agrees that the Department has the right, at its discretion, to reclaim fee title ownership at no cost to the Department, to the aforesaid property described herein, as necessary to provide sufficient right of way to operate and maintain LA 157.
WHEREAS, The Webster Parish Police Jury agrees to accept servitude ownership in and to the following described property and agrees to accept all duties, obligations, and responsibilities for the operation, maintenance, and liabilities associated therewith, for its use as a parish road.
The remaining segment of former state route LA 157 beginning at its junction with relocated LA 157 and proceeding westerly approximately 0.07 mile to its terminus at the former LA 157 bridge end location located at or near the current dead end installation as shown on the attached map (Exhibit “1”).
RESOLVED, That the Webster Parish Police Jury shall accept ownership of whatever rights the Department may own in and to the aforesaid described property subject to and in accordance with the specific conditions in this resolution as a binding agreement between the State of Louisiana and the Parish of Webster, provided the State of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development complies with the conditions stated herein.
FURTHER RESOLVED That the Webster Parish Police Jury authorizes the presiding President of the Police Jury to execute the documents necessary to transfer the aforesaid described property subject to and in accordance with the specific conditions in this resolution once the Department complies with the conditions stated herein.
On motion by Daniel Thomas and seconded by Randy Thomas , the above and foregoing resolution was declared duly adopted on this the 5th day of April 2016.
Jim Bonsall, President Ronda C. Carnahan, Secretary-Treasurer
Webster Parish Police Jury Webster Parish Police Jury
I hereby certify that the above and aforementioned resolution was adopted by the Webster Parish Police Jury in regular session convened on April 5, , 2016 at which a quorum was present, given under my signature and seal of office this 5th day of April , 2016 .
Ronda C. Carnahan, Secretary-Treasurer
PAGE 100-2016
WHEREAS, The Webster Parish Police Jury is the governing authority of the Parish of Webster, Louisiana, and
WHEREAS, On January 11, 2016, the Webster Parish Police Jury in Regular session elected officers for the year 2016, Jim Bonsall was elected President of this body. As President of the Webster Parish Police Jury, Jim Bonsall is given full authority to sign documents and financials on behalf of the Police Jury, and
WHERE AS, Mr. Jim Bonsall, President, has authority to sign documents on behalf of the Webster Parish Police Jury in regard to Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, State Project No. H. 009466, RWD Signing (Old Arcadia Road), Webster Parish.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That in Regular Session April 5, 2016, a motion was introduced by Mr. Bruce Blanton, duly seconded byMr. Daniel Thomas, and upon a unanimous vote, Webster Parish Resolution # 006-2016 is adopted.
Ronda C. Carnahan Jim Bonsall
Secretary-Treasurer President
Webster Parish Police Jury - Webster Parish Courthouse Annex
401 Main St., West Entrance - P.O. Box 389 - Minden, LA 71058 - (318) 377-7564 Office - (318) 371-2366 Fax
