Agendas & Minutes >
Minutes- November 1, 2016
Minutes- November 1, 2016
Nov 9, 2016 --
PAGE 129-2016
November 1, 2016
MEMBERS: Jim Bonsall, President; Vera Davison, Vice President; Jerri M. Lee; Daniel Thomas; Steve Ramsey; Steve Lemmons; Allen Gilbert; Bruce Blanton; Bernard Hudson; Nick Cox; Randy Thomas; Dustin Moseley
Mr. Jim Bonsall, President, called the meeting to order and asked COL Carl Thompson to open the meeting with prayer and Cadet Crosby Gremell with the Youth Challenge Program to lead in the pledge.
Mr. Bonsall then asked for additions to the agenda. Mr. Nick Cox moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Ramsey to add to the agenda discussion of WPPJ Committees. Motion carried unanimously.
There were no comments from the audience.
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to approve the minutes of the Road Committee Meeting and the Regular Meeting of October 4, 2016. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Jerri Lee moved, seconded by Mr. Daniel Thomas to approve invoices for payment pending review of the Jury. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Chris Broussard with Cultural Crossroads spoke to the Jury. Mrs. Broussard introduced Mr. Jessie Waller and Ms. Cagney Veitch, Cultural Crossroads Chairpersons to the Jury. Mrs. Broussard informed the Jury of past as well as upcoming events at the “Farm”. Mrs. Broussard stated that she appreciated all of the support from the Jury over the past years.
Mr. Nick Cox moved, seconded by Mr. Dustin Moseley to table the item to advertise for bid on the Courthouse Annex Renovation until January, 2017 and give all Jurors time to be more informed about the project. There followed discussion. The motion carried by a vote of 6 to 5 with the President not voting because that would result in a tie vote:
Yes: Cox; Moseley; Hudson; Gilbert; D. Thomas; and Blanton. 6
No: R. Thomas; Ramsey; Lemmons; Lee; and Davison 5
Ms. Vera Davison moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve the following recreational funding:
District # 8 $300.00 for Rescue Supplies to the Minden Fire Department
District # 10 $400.00 for repairs to the Community Center for the Town of Cotton Valley.
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Randy Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Daniel Thomas to approve board appointments to the Evergreen Volunteer Fire Department #1—To reappoint R.O. Machen to a two year term that will expire on 12/31/2018; and to reappoint Randy Crittenden, Chairman for a two year term to expire on 12/31/2018. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to approve construction bid for the Springhill Library renovation that will open on November 2, 2016, pending approval of the Architect, Mike McSwain, Architect; and upon legal review. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr., Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mr. Allen Gilbert to approve the Courthouse HVAC Renovation Change Orders # 1 (Asbestos removal- $66,066.65) and Change Order #2 (Roofing - $83,727.00) and to approve the CBI – FEMA Disaster Recovery Change Order #001 ($175,000.00). Motion carried unanimously.
There was no discussion under Public Works.
Mr. Nick Cox brought up questions concerning Police Jury Committees and Police Jury Committee Chairman. No action taken.
Mary Whitaker Webster Parish Police Jury Office of Community Services
Wanda Finley Webster Parish Head Start Office
Allen Mosley Webster Parish Coroner- Max Stell, M.D.
Joan Almond Webster Parish LSU Ag
COL Carl Thompson Webster Parish Assessor’s Office – Morris Guin Assessor
Brenda Mosley with the Female Cadets of Youth Challenge
PAGE 130-2016
November 1, 2016
Rebecca Shelley and Larry House with the Concerned Citizens Committee against open burn at Camp Minden and the safe disposal of CBI and M6 spoke to the Jury. The Committee meets on the 2ndMonday Night at the Doyline Baptist Church. Ms. Shelley spoke and stated that the Committee request the Jury of Bossier and of Webster Parish as well as other Governmental agencies support the CCC to remove the Burn Chamber when all M6 and CBI is disposed of at Camp Minden. Mr. House also spoke for the Committee.
Mr. Bernard Hudson spoke to the Cadets at Youth Challenge and then expressed his concern about overcrowding at the Jail facility.
Mr. Steve Ramsey wished all a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday.
Ms. Vera Davison spoke to the YPC Cadets. Ms. Davison then announced that the Webster Parish Police Jury Employee Appreciation Lunch will be held this Friday, November 4th.
Mr. Daniel Thomas asked about meetings concerning Dorcheat Water and KCS application to see of the possibility of obtaining a permit. There followed discussion on the water treatment plant.
Mr. Jerry Carter, Mayor of Doyline addressed the Jury and asked for clarification concerning municipality funding for the Town of Doyline. Teddy Holloway will speak to Mr. Carter.
There being no other business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.
Ronda C. Carnahan Jim Bonsall
Secretary-Treasurer President
Webster Parish Police Jury - Webster Parish Courthouse Annex
401 Main St., West Entrance - P.O. Box 389 - Minden, LA 71058 - (318) 377-7564 Office - (318) 371-2366 Fax
