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Agendas & Minutes > Minutes- July 3, 2018
Minutes- July 3, 2018
Jul 9, 2018 --


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July 3, 2018


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Steve Ramsey; President, Steve Lemmons, Vice-Chairman; Jim Bonsall; Randy Thomas; Bruce Blanton; Jerri Lee; Vera Davison; Nick Cox;  Daniel Thomas; Dustin Moseley; and Bernard Hudson.

MEMBERS ABSENT:  Allen Gilbert.


Mr. Steve Ramsey called the meeting to order and Juror Jerri Lee opened with prayer.  Mr. Ramsey then asked for additions to the agenda.


Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to add to the agenda, #3.  Sibley Resolution; and #4. Dubberly Resolution.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to approve adjusting the rate for the 2018 mowing contract with Johnson Tree and Landscape beginning immediately.  Currently the rate is $124.62 per mile; the new rate will be $140.00 per mile.  Motion carried with 1 abstain (B. Hudson) 10 yes, 1 abstain, 1absent


Mr. Bruce Easterly with BEAST Engineering reported on the Phase I Road Improvement work and also discussed the Change Order #3 that will be on the agenda for approval at the Regular Meeting.  No action taken.


Mrs. Jerri Lee moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve a Resolution from the Town of Sibley to make repairs and asphalt NE 5th Ave., total project estimated cost $32,365.02 to be paid with municipality funds and the Town of Sibley.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to approve a Resolution from the Village of Dubberly to pave a portion of Airport Road using municipality funds and Village funds.  Motion carried unanimously.


There being no further business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.





Ronda C. Carnahan                                                                               Steve Ramsey

Secretary-Treasurer                                                                               Chairman





July 3, 2018


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Vera Davison, Chairman; Jerri Lee, Vice-Chairman; Daniel Thomas, Steve Ramsey, Nick Cox, Bruce Blanton, and Jim Bonsall


Ms. Vera Davison called the meeting to order and asked for additions to the agenda.  No additions.


The update on the WPPJ OCS Director position will be moved to the Community Services Committee.


Discussion followed concerning WPPJ attendance at the NACO National Convention.  This is not budgeted for 2018.  The Secretary-Treasurer will look into the cost of registration and travel for next year and will presented this during budget discussion. 


There being no further business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.





Ronda C. Carnahan                                                                               Vera Davison

Secretary-Treasurer                                                                               Chairman







PAGE 042-2018




July 3, 2018


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Steve Lemmons, Chairman; Bruce Blanton, Vice-Chairman; Jerri Lee, Vera Davison, Nick Cox, Randy Thomas, and Jim Bonsall.

MEMBER ABSENT:  Allen Gilbert


Mr. Steve Lemmons called the meeting to order and asked for additions to the agenda.  No additions.


Mrs. Holli Vining, Clerk of Court discussed with the Committee the relocation of 3 voting precincts.  It is the responsibility of the Jury to designate polling locations for the precincts of the parish.  The Webster Parish School Board is vacating the Alternative School and it is scheduled for demolition in 2019, this is the polling location for Precincts 17, 17-A, and 18.  Mrs. Vining and Mrs. Melanie Smith, Registrar, have researched locations where these precincts are located.  Mrs. Vining recommended to the committee to relocate Precincts 17 and 17-A to Harper Elementary located on Germantown Road and to locate Precinct 18 to the Webster Parish Courthouse Annex located on Main Street in Minden. 


Mr. Jim Bonsall moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to begin the process to relocate these precincts to the locations as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.


There being no further business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.





Ronda C. Carnahan                                                                   Steve Lemmons

Secretary-Treasurer                                                                   Chairman






July 3, 2018


MEMBERS:  Randy Thomas, Chairman; Steve Ramsey, Vice-Chairman; Jerri Lee, Vera Davison; Steve Lemmons; Bruce Blanton, Bernard Hudson,  and Jim Bonsall.



Mr. Randy Thomas called the meeting to order and asked for additions to the agenda.  Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mr. Bernard Hudson to add to the agenda Benson Environmental, Receiving Station and Landfill.  Motion carried unanimously.


The first item on the agenda is the discussion of the ½ cent Sales Tax.  There has always been misconception as to the sales tax.  The Sales Tax is designated for Solid Waste, Roads and Bridges, and Jails/Prisoners.  After the Parish leased operation to Republic Waste (originally USA Waste) in 1997, the cost of running a landfill was no longer necessary and the Landfill, through royalty payments is cost efficient.    The sales tax is used for road department salary and benefits, bush-hog contract, road equipment, signs and maintenance of roads and bridges, and for Prisoner Cost. 

Discussion followed.


Benson Environmental, Patrick Jackson brought the Committee up to date on the renewal of the lease to Benson for the property on Creighton Road.


Mr. Daniel Thomas asked for a written protocol for closure of the Sarepta Receiving Station in the event of an emergency for the operator.  Mr. Randy Thomas told the Committee that he planned to ask David Greene, Municipal Services Manager to attend our next meeting to discuss this issue. 


There being no further business to bring to the committee, the meeting adjourned.





Ronda C. Carnahan                                                                   Randy Thomas

Secretary-Treasurer                                                                   Chairman



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July 3, 2018


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Dustin Moseley, Chairman; Nick Cox, Vice-Chairman, Bernard Hudson, and Jim Bonsall.

MEMBERS ABSENT:  Allen Gilbert



Mr. Dustin Moseley called the meeting to order and asked for additions to the agenda.  No Additions.


Mr. Moseley reported that the testing of the water well in the surrounding areas of Camp Minden’s reports, have not been released.  He is hoping that these will be available by the August meeting. 


There being no additional business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.





Ronda C. Carnahan                                                                   Dustin Moseley

Secretary-Treasurer                                                                   Chairman






July 3, 2018


MEMBERS:  Jim Bonsall, Chairman;  Vera Davison, Vice-Chairman;  Jerri Lee; Daniel Thomas; Bruce Blanton;  Dustin Moseley;  Bernard Hudson;  Steve Lemmons; Randy Thomas, Allen Gilbert, Nick Cox, Steve Ramsey

MEMBER ABSENT:  Allen Gilbert


Mr. Jim Bonsall called the Finance Committee to order and asked for additions to the agenda.  Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mrs. Jerri Lee to add to the agenda #4.  FEMA demand letter.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to approve the Financial Statement for the month of May and the Check Register for the month of May.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Nick Cox moved, seconded by Mr. Dustin Moseley to approve the bank reconciliation for the month of May.  Motion carried unanimously.


The Financial reports for the month of June were presented for consideration.  These reports will be approved at the August Finance Committee Meeting.  No action.


Mrs. Carnahan reported to the Committee that a letter from the Louisiana GOHSEP, First Notice of Overpayment: FIPS: 119-03A18-00, the Katrina/Rita Disasters from 2005.  The letter outlines how the Parish received payments in excess of the grant.  The Webster Parish Homeland Security Director has tried to settle this claim over the 13 years, and the amounts have fluctuated, and they have stalled closure.  The non- payment of the overage that they state is $167,351.37 will result in the WPPJ not being eligible to receive payments for eligible cost awarded on grants either in current of future disasters.   The parish would like the opportunity to split the payment over two years, but if this would jeopardize our grant awards, it will be necessary to make full payment. 

Mr. Dustin Moseley moved, seconded by Mr. Daniel Thomas to give Mrs. Carnahan and Ms. Jenny Reynolds (WPPJ HS/OEP Director) the authority to do what is necessary to settle this matter within the time frame given. 


There being no further business to bring before the Committee, the meeting adjourned.





Ronda C. Carnahan                                                                   Jim Bonsall

Secretary-Treasurer                                                                   Chairman




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July 3, 2018


MEMBERS PRESENTBruce Blanton, Chairman; Bernard Hudson, Vice-Chairman; Steve Lemmons; Daniel Thomas; Randy Thomas; Steve Ramsey; and Jim Bonsall.

MEMBER ABSENT:  Allen Gilbert



Mr. Bruce Blanton called the meeting to order and asked for additions to the agenda.  Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Ramsey to add Equipment Auction to the agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Steve Ramsey told the Committee that he had been told that an auction would be held later this year for equipment.  Teddy will go through his inventory to see if the Jury needs to add anything to the auction for the parish.  No action.


There being no further business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.





Ronda C. Carnahan                                                                   Bruce Blanton

Secretary-Treasurer                                                                   Chairman





July 3, 2018


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Jerri Lee, Chairman; Steve Lemmons, Vice-Chairman; Vera Davison; Steve Ramsey; Dustin Moseley; and Jim Bonsall.

MEMBER ABSENT:  Allen Gilbert


Mrs. Jerri Lee called the meeting to order and asked for additions to the agenda.  There were no additions to the agenda.


Mrs. Lee went over the Webster Parish Police Jury Office of Community Services monthly report of activities and highlighted several areas of service.


Mrs. Lee then reported that the team assigned to conduct the search for the new Director and to conduct interviews has made a unanimous recommendation to offer the position to a candidate.  The candidate is very well qualified, meeting educational and career requirements of the position.  This candidate will be appointed Director at the August meeting.  Mrs. Lee asked for the support of the Committee and all agreed to support the search team recommendation.


There being no further business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.





Ronda C. Carnahan                                                                               Jerri M. Lee

Secretary-Treasurer                                                                               Chairman















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July 3, 2018


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Bruce Blanton, Chairman; Nick Cox, Vice Chairman; Dustin Moseley; Bernard Hudson; and Jim Bonsall.


Mr. Bruce Blanton called the meeting to order and asked for additions to the agenda.  There were no additions to the agenda.


Mr. Blanton then reported for the Economic Development Committee. 


There being no further business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.





Ronda C. Carnahan                                                                   Bruce Blanton                                     

Secretary-Treasurer                                                                   Chairman










July 3, 2018


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Daniel Thomas, Chairman; Jerri Lee, Vice Chairman; Bernard Hudson; Vera Davison; Steve Ramsey; Dustin Moseley; Randy Thomas; and Jim Bonsall.


Mr. Daniel Thomas called the meeting to order and asked for additions to the agenda.  No additions.


Ms. Jenny Reynolds, Webster Director of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness told the committee that her office and the Emergency Control Center are having internet problems and requested authorization to looking into a new internet provider, possibly one that is already being used at the Courthouse.  Mrs. Jerri Lee moved, seconded by Ms. Vera Davison to authorize Ms. Reynolds to make the change in internet provider.  Motion carried unanimously.


There being no further business to bring before the committee the meeting adjourned.





Ronda C. Carnahan                                                                   Jerri M. Lee

Secretary-Treasurer                                                                   Chairman




















PAGE 046-2018




June 5, 2018


MEMBERS PRESENT:  Jim Bonsall, President; Vera Davison, Vice President; Steve Lemmons, Bruce Blanton, Randy Thomas, Dustin Moseley, Daniel Thomas, Bernard Hudson; Jerri Lee, Nick Cox, and Steve Ramsey

MEMBER ABSENT:  Allen Gilbert


Mr. Jim Bonsall, President, called the meeting to order, Ret. Judge Graydon Kitchens,   ADA Webster Parish District Attorney opened the meeting with prayer and Ret. Brian Williams (W.P Fire District # 7) lead in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mr. Bonsall then asked for additions to the agenda.   There were no additions to the agenda.

There were no comments on the agenda.


Mr. Randy Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Bruce Blanton to approve invoices for payment pending review.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Nick Cox to approve the minutes of the June 5, 2018 Road, Environmental, and Finance Committee Meetings; and approve the minutes of the June 5, 2018 Regular Meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mrs. Jerri Lee moved, seconded by Mr. Nick Cox to adopt the 2018 Millage Rate for the Webster Parish Police Jury and to adopt the WPPJ Resolution #011-2018 to levy on the 2018 tax roll on all property subject to taxation by the WPPJ.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mr. Daniel Thomas to approve recreational funding for District #1, Springhill Fire Department, $750.00 for HazMat Equipment.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve Change Order # 3 for the Phase I Road Improvements for Webster Parish.  Motion carried unanimously.



Mary Whitaker                                     Webster Parish Office of Community Services

Savannah Brown                                  Webster Parish Library

Johnnye Kennon                                  Webster Parish Convention and Visitor’s Bureau

Serena Gray, Executive Director          Webster Parish Convention and Visitor’s Bureau

Stephanie Barnette                               Greater Minden Chamber

Joan Almond                                        Webster Parish Office of LSU Ag

Allen Mosley                                        Webster Parish Coroner- Max Stell, M.D.

Carl Thompson                                     Webster Parish Assessor, Morris Guin

Jenny Reynolds                                    Webster Parish Homeland Security Director

Wayne McMann, DVM                         Candidate- Representative- District 10 



Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve the action taken at the Road Committee Meeting earlier today.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mr. Bernard Hudson to approve the action taken at the Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting earlier today.  Motion carried unanimously.


Ms. Vera Davison moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve the action taken at the Finance Committee Meeting earlier today.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to approve the action taken at the Intergovernmental Relations Committee Meeting earlier today.


Mr. Jim Bonsall gave the Presidents closing remarks.


There being no other business to bring before the Jury, the meeting adjourned.





Ronda C. Carnahan                                                                   Jim Bonsall

Secretary-Treasurer                                                                   President


PAGE 047-2018



            BE IT RESOLVED, that the following millage are hereby levied on the 2018 tax roll on all property subject to taxation by the Webster Parish Police Jury.


  1. For general parish purposes (General alimony tax)  on all taxable property inside the corporate limits of the City of Minden, Louisiana and inside the corporate limits of the City of Springhill, Louisiana……………(2.13) MILLS  1077003


  1. For general parish purposes (General alimony tax) on all taxable property outside

the corporate limits of the City of Minden, Louisiana  and the City of Springhill, Louisiana……………………………………………..(4.26) MILLS 1077002


  1. For the maintenance and operation of the Webster Parish Courthouse and Annex, Webster   

      Parish Health Unit and Agricultural Extension Service..(2.78) MILLS 1077004


  1. For acquiring, constructing, improving, furnishing, equipping, operating and/or

      maintaining Public Libraries in Webster Parish…… (12.43) MILLS 1077005


  1. For the construction, maintenance, and repairing of Roads and Bridges located

      in Road District “A” of Webster Parish, Louisiana……...(2.70) MILLS 1077009


  1. For the construction, maintenance, and repairing of Roads and Bridges located

      in Road District “B” of Webster Parish, Louisiana……..4.18mills  1077010


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,  that the proper administrative officials of the Parish of Webster , State of Louisiana, be and they are hereby empowered, authorized, and directed to spread said taxes, as hereinabove set forth, upon the assessment roll of said Parish for the year 2018, and to make the collection of the taxes imposed for and on behalf of the taxing authority, according to law, and that the taxes herein levied shall become a permanent lien and privilege on all property subject to taxation as herein set forth, and collection thereof shall be enforceable in the manner provided by law.


The foregoing resolution was read in full, the roll was called on the adoption thereof, and the resolution was adopted by the following votes:

YEA:      11                NAY:                              0                   ABSTAIN:     0                  ABSENT:        1            



            I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of the resolution adopted at the Webster Parish Police Jury Meeting held on   July 3, 2018    at which meeting a quorum was present and voting.

            Webster Parish,  Louisiana, this    3rd        day of               July       , 2018



Ronda C. Carnahan, Secretary-Treasurer


Webster Parish Police Jury   -   Webster Parish Courthouse Annex

401 Main St., West Entrance - P.O. Box 389 - Minden, LA 71058 - (318) 377-7564 Office - (318) 371-2366 Fax