Agendas & Minutes >
Minutes- June 2, 2020
Minutes- June 2, 2020
Jun 8, 2020 -- Page 023-2020
June 2, 2020
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Bonsall, President; Vera Davison, Vice-President; Steve Ramsey, Randy Thomas, Ed Jordan, Bruce Blanton, Steve Lemmons, Nick Cox, Bernard Hudson
TELECONFERENCE: Beverly Kennon, Allen Gilbert and Daniel Thomas
Mr. Jim Bonsall called the roll of the Webster Parish Police Jury
Mr. Jim Bonsall called the meeting to order and asked Mr. Nick Cox to open the meeting with prayer. Mr. Bernard Hudson led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Bonsall then asked for additions to the agenda.
Mr. Randy Thomas motioned, seconded by Mr. Ed Jordan to add Benson Rd (Rd 232A) 35MPH end to end, Middle Road in Doyline discussion, Village of Doyline Resolution and Kent Rogers with NLCOG. Motion carried unanimously.
There were no comments from the audience concerning the agenda.
(Roll was called for each vote)
Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Bruce Blanton to appoint Lisa C. Balkom, Secretary-Treasurer and to appoint Alicia Owens, Asst. Secretary-Treasurer June 2, 2020 through January 4, 2022 the remainder of a 2- year term. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Nick Cox moved, seconded by Mr. Ed Jordan to approve Resolution 005-2020 and Amended Resolution 002-2020 (WPPJ Resolution 006-2020) Signature Resolution for Lisa C. Balkom and Alicia Owens for a term of June 2, 2020 and for the year January 1, 2021-January 4, 2022 with full authority to sign documents and financials on behalf of the Webster Parish Police Jury. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Nick Cox moved, seconded by Ms. Vera Davison to approve invoices for payment pending review by Juror Nick Cox. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Bernard Hudson to adopt the minutes of the May 5, 2020 Regular Meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Mr. Ed Jordan to approve the following for Legal Journal and Publication Journal for the year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021:
Minden Press Herald-Legal Journal
Springhill Press and News Journal-Publication Journal
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve the Request for Leave for Ronda C. Carnahan. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bernard Hudson moved, seconded by Mr. Nick Cox to approve the resolution for the Village of Dixie Inn to clean ditches at intersection of Shell Street and Front Street. The jury will also repair the natural drain on village property using Municipality Funding. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve to advertise for Fuel Bids for the remainder of the year 2020. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Ed Jordan to allow Patrick Jackson, Parish Attorney to draw up a contract between Webster Parish Police Jury and Comstock Oil & Gas to complete road work, pending paperwork. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Randy Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Bruce Blanton to approve 45MPH speed limit end to end on Baker Road. Motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. Randy Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Bruce Blanton to approve 45MPH speed limit end to end on Sandhill Road. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Daniel Thomas moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve 35MPH speed limit end to end on Benson Road (Road 232A). Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Ed Jordan moved, seconded by Mr. Bernard Hudson to approve the resolution from the Village of Doyline to repair wash out areas in ditches on McDowell Street and the corner of Roy Hale Drive and McDowell Street using Municipality Funding. Motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Vera Davison moved, seconded by Mr. Nick Cox to approve the Financial Statement, Bank Reconciliation and Check Register for April 2020. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Jim Bonsall presented the Financial Report for the month of May, 2020. The reports will be approved at the July Finance Committee Meeting.
Kent Rogers NLCOG reported to the jury
Ellzey Simmons Trailblazer reported to the jury
Brian Williams WPPJ OEP/HS Director reported to the jury
Melinda Davison WPPJ Office of Community Services called in a report to the jury
Angie White North Louisiana Economic Partnership sent in a written report
Mr. Jim Bonsall asked if anyone on the teleconference would like to speak-no comments.
Mr. Jim Bonsall presented a plaque and a gift to Ronda C. Carnahan and congratulated her on her retirement from the Webster Parish Police Jury. Ronda C. Carnahan has served the parish for 29+ years and the jury congratulated her on a job well done and thanked her for her service to Webster Parish.
There being no further business to bring before the Jury, the meeting adjourned.
/s/ /s/
Lisa C. Balkom Jim Bonsall
Secretary-Treasurer President
Webster Parish Police Jury - Webster Parish Courthouse Annex
401 Main St., West Entrance - P.O. Box 389 - Minden, LA 71058 - (318) 377-7564 Office - (318) 371-2366 Fax
