Agendas & Minutes >
Minutes- November 2, 2021
Minutes- November 2, 2021
Nov 12, 2021 -- PAGE039-2021
November 2, 2021
MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Ramsey, Chairman; Steve Lemmons, Vice-Chairman; Bruce Blanton, Randy Thomas, Jim Bonsall, Nick Cox, Vera Davison, Beverly Kennon and Bernard Hudson, Ed Jordan and Allen Gilbert ABSENT: Daniel Thomas
Mr. Steve Ramsey called the meeting to order and asked Mr. Nick Cox to open the meeting with prayer. Mr. Steve Ramsey asked for additions to the agenda.
Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to add a Resolution from the Town of Sarepta to the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Chris Bagwell, Permitting Officer presented a report to the jury on Logging and Heavy Equipment Use permits that were issued from the parish in October 2021. An updated list of adjudicated properties was also given in the packet that was requested from the October meeting.
Mr. David North with LADOTD addressed the jury. The state wants the parish to participate in the Road Transfer Program concerning State Hwy 3008 and also the Goodwill Frontage Road. Discussion followed.
Mr. Ed Jordan moved, seconded by Mr. Nick Cox to make repairs at the Webster Parish Public Boat Ramp at Hwy 164. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bernard Hudson moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve a Resolution from the Town of Cotton Valley for one load of cold mix using Municipality Funding. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bernard Hudson moved, seconded by Mr. Allen Gilbert to approve a Resolution from the Town of Cotton Valley to cut trees hanging over town streets as time allows using Municipality Funding. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Brad Graff, Parish Engineer addressed the jury concerning Peachtree Road Bridge Project, the jury is awaiting environmental clearance from FEMA. This will be discussed at a later date.
Mr. Teddy Holloway updated the jury on the joint project at Camp Minden Staging Area.
Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mr. Randy Thomas to approve a Resolution from the Town of Sarepta to purchase street signs using Municipality Funding. Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.
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Lisa C. Balkom Steve Ramsey
Secretary-Treasurer Chairman
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November 2, 2021
MEMBERS PRESENT: Randy Thomas, Chairman; Steve Ramsey, Vice-Chairman; Bernard Hudson; Ed Jordan; Vera Davison; Steve Lemmons; Bruce Blanton, and Jim Bonsall.
Mr. Randy Thomas called the meeting to order and asked for additions to the agenda.
Mr. Randy Thomas asked Mr. Patrick Jackson, Parish Attorney to update the jury on the sale of the landfill. Mr. Jackson explained the process of the sale of the landfill. Mr. Jackson said everything is running smoothly on the title work. The transfer should be complete by November 30, 2021. RFP’s were sent out on leasing the Webster Parish Police Jury Receiving Station in Sarepta, Louisiana. Discussion followed.
There being no further business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.
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Lisa C. Balkom Randy Thomas
Secretary-Treasurer Chairman
November 2, 2021
MEMBERS PRESENT: Nick Cox, Chairman; Jim Bonsall, Vice-Chairman; Bruce Blanton, Allen Gilbert, Randy Thomas, Bernard Hudson, Steve Lemmons, Beverly Kennon, Vera Davison, Steve Ramsey, Ed Jordan and Allen Gilbert
Absent: Daniel Thomas
Mr. Nick Cox called the meeting to order and asked for additions to the agenda.
Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mr. Ed Jordan to add Ms. Angela Hall, Registrar to the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Randy Thomas moved, seconded by Ms. Vera Davison to approve the September 2021 Financial Statement, Check Register and Bank Reconciliation. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Nick Cox presented the Financial Reports for the Month of October 2021. The reports will be approved at the December Meeting.
Mr. Ed Jordan moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve the American Rescue Plan Act Grant and line items as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Allen Gilbert moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Ramsey to approve Budget Amendments as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Angela Hall, Registrar spoke to the jury about her 2022 Budget Requests. Discussion followed.
There being no further business to bring before the committee, the meeting adjourned.
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Lisa C. Balkom Nick Cox
Secretary-Treasurer Chairman
PAGE 041-2021
November 2, 2021
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Bonsall, President; Nick Cox, Vice President; Steve Lemmons, Steve Ramsey, Randy Thomas, Beverly Kennon, Vera Davison, Bruce Blanton, Ed Jordan, Allen Gilbert, and Bernard Hudson
Absent: Daniel Thomas
Mr. Jim Bonsall called the meeting to order and asked Mr. Nick Cox to open the meeting with prayer.
Mr. Bernard Hudson led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Bonsall then asked for additions to the agenda.
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Bernard Hudson to add Board Appointments, Ratify Resolution from Library Board of Control, Employee Appreciation Day and Mr. Tracy Weston and Mr. Tim Welch to the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
There were no comments from the audience concerning the agenda.
Mr. Steve Lemmons moved, seconded by Ms. Vera Davison to approve invoices for payment pending review by juror Steve Lemmons. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Ed Jordan moved, seconded by Mr. Bruce Blanton to adopt the minutes of the October 5, 2021 Road Committee, Environmental Committee, Finance Committee, and Regular Meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Allen Gilbert moved, seconded by Mr. Bernard Hudson to approve Recreational Funding for District #2, $993.00 to Cullen Police Department to help purchase body cameras for law enforcement officers. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Ed Jordan moved, seconded by Mr. Bernard Hudson to approve Board Appointments for Doyline Waterworks District #1: Appoint Mr. Steven Bridwell to replace Ms. Cortney Lundsford to a 3-year term to expire November 2024, Appoint Ms. Andrea Coburn to replace Mr. John Montgomery to a 4-year term to expire November 2025 and to Reappoint Mr. Lee Ware to a 4-year term to expire November 2025. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Mr. Nick Cox to approve Webster Parish Police Jury Resolution 011-2021 to approve holding an election in Springhill Fire Protection District, Webster Parish, Louisiana, on Saturday, March 26, 2022, to authorize the levy of a special tax therein. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Randy Thomas moved, seconded by Ms. Beverly Kennon to approve to Award the RFP for lease on Webster Parish Police Jury Receiving Station, 123 Wenk’s Landing Road, Sarepta, LA 71071 to Knight Services LA. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Nick Cox moved, seconded by Ms. Vera Davison to approve to Appoint Webster Parish Library Board of Control Board Appointments: Reappoint George French, III to a 5-year term to expire 12/31/2026. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Ed Jordan moved, seconded by Mr. Nick Cox to approve to Ratify Resolution 2021-10-29 approving the action needed to authorize the Library Director on behalf of the Webster Parish Police Jury to purchase property located at 183 Fuller Street, Doyline, LA 71023 at the appraised value of thirty-two thousand dollars ($32,000). Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bruce Blanton moved, seconded by Ms. Vera Davison to Approve that November 19, 2021 will be “Employee Appreciation Day”. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Tracy Weston and Mr. Tim Welch addressed the jury on a petition to hold an election concerning alcohol sales. Discussion followed.
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Wanda Finley WP OCS HeadStart
Savannah Jones WP Library
Allen Moseley WP Coroner
Jason Parker WP Sheriff
Brian Williams WPPJ OEP/Homeland Security Director
Angie Chapman E911 Director
Mr. Steve Ramsey moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Lemmons to approve the action taken at the Road Committee Meeting held earlier today. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Nick Cox moved, seconded by Mr. Steve Ramsey to approve the action taken at the Finance Committee Meeting held earlier today. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Jim Bonsall then gave Presidents’ closing remarks.
There being no further business to bring before the Jury, the meeting adjourned.
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Lisa C. BalkomSecretary-Treasurer Jim Bonsall President
Webster Parish Police Jury - Webster Parish Courthouse Annex
401 Main St., West Entrance - P.O. Box 389 - Minden, LA 71058 - (318) 377-7564 Office - (318) 371-2366 Fax
